This Bunk bed is very sturdy and super easy to put together. Instructions were easy to follow and the screws etc were clearly marked to be able to use. Perfect.
After reviewing copious amounts of review of all good and bad, it was time for me to make the decision to purchase this loft frame. I failed to read the finer detail as I thought I was getting a full size, but after purchasing and reviewing the specs it was a twin. Installation with my 7/year/old was fun and the installation directions were spot on. I weigh 185 and my child weighs 50lbs, and this frame feels very sturdy when both of us are occupying the top. It is nothing flashy, but gets the job done and I would highly recommend. Easy set up.
This is a great bunk bed for the money. We are so happy with it, my daughter 100 pounds sleeps on the bottom and my son 60 pounds sleeps on top. Couldnt be any happier. Cute.
Instructions were included. Built it myself in about 2hrs. Would be easier with two people for sure. Recommend taking it out if the box in the garage because the packaging is a nightmare. Took things up piece by piece. Overall it works my only real complaint is that its just very noisy and creaky. Maybe It needs oiled or something but I just wish it was quieter. My gfs boys love it though so thats all that matters. He loves it.
I love it space saver I am back to buy another one. Perfect for our space. Was exactly what we wanted. Only reason we gave 4 instead of 5 stars were the directions were terrible. We ended up having to take two sides apart because the instructions werent specific enough
My order didnt come with all the necessary pieces for the bed to be secure.
it doesnt feel very sturdy.
good perfect
good perfect Works well.
The best
My daughters love it Good Product.
Bunk beds
This Bunk bed is very sturdy and super easy to put together. Instructions were easy to follow and the screws etc were clearly marked to be able to use. Perfect.
Great Loft Bed Frame for 7 year old.
After reviewing copious amounts of review of all good and bad, it was time for me to make the decision to purchase this loft frame. I failed to read the finer detail as I thought I was getting a full size, but after purchasing and reviewing the specs it was a twin. Installation with my 7/year/old was fun and the installation directions were spot on. I weigh 185 and my child weighs 50lbs, and this frame feels very sturdy when both of us are occupying the top. It is nothing flashy, but gets the job done and I would highly recommend. Easy set up.
Just get it
This is a great bunk bed for the money. We are so happy with it, my daughter 100 pounds sleeps on the bottom and my son 60 pounds sleeps on top. Couldnt be any happier. Cute.
Creaky but does the job.
Instructions were included. Built it myself in about 2hrs. Would be easier with two people for sure. Recommend taking it out if the box in the garage because the packaging is a nightmare. Took things up piece by piece. Overall it works my only real complaint is that its just very noisy and creaky. Maybe It needs oiled or something but I just wish it was quieter. My gfs boys love it though so thats all that matters. He loves it.
Really good
This bed is great! The only issues is the supporting beam doesnt have holes for the skrews It was easy.
Worth the money
I love it space saver I am back to buy another one. Perfect for our space. Was exactly what we wanted. Only reason we gave 4 instead of 5 stars were the directions were terrible. We ended up having to take two sides apart because the instructions werent specific enough
Love it
Easy directions. Aming strong
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