It was very easy to assemble. Took minutes to put the legs on as everything else was already put together. The hardest part was getting the holding bar attached so it was solid. Ive been jumping for a couple weeks now and still having fun!
They love it. Getting lots of exercise. Strong enough for an adult to jump on. It tips forward a little if they push forward on the bar while jumping, but this is not an issue if just using the bar for balance/stability.
I got this for my 6 year old and she loves it which is great. My only concern is the handlebar doesnt seem the sturdiest. I wish the handlebar went all the way to the floor and not just connect to the side.
Very nice!
I was nervous buying this but it has proven to be a good product. Easy to assemble and very sturdy. My 8yo and I love it :)
Good product
Very nice product. Easy to assemble. Very sturdy.
Smart choice
Better than I ever expected. The kids love it!!
Love this Trampoline!
It was very easy to assemble. Took minutes to put the legs on as everything else was already put together. The hardest part was getting the holding bar attached so it was solid. Ive been jumping for a couple weeks now and still having fun!
They love it
They love it. Getting lots of exercise. Strong enough for an adult to jump on. It tips forward a little if they push forward on the bar while jumping, but this is not an issue if just using the bar for balance/stability.
Good but wish a little more stable.
I got this for my 6 year old and she loves it which is great. My only concern is the handlebar doesnt seem the sturdiest. I wish the handlebar went all the way to the floor and not just connect to the side.
Its awesome! My son loves it! Hes autistic so I got it for therapy but it really works. When he gets anxious he starts jumping.
Buy this one
Awesome trampoline real Springs weve used it in my four-year-old grandson uses every day
Sturdy and fun!
Great fun and exercise during this quarantine for me and my daughters (4 9).
My granddaughter Loved her Trampoline!!!
I liked how well and safe it has been made or put together. I highly recommend this for everyone!
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