I bought it for my grand daughter when she sleeps over.
A good product, was assembled by 12 y/o grandson. Looks very nice in spare room with blue quilt and pillows. I recommend it.
I was looking for a reasonably priced, but attractive daybed for my bedroom. This daybed fits both bills. The box came with all the parts and hardware -- they even included extra screws. I took my time putting the bed together. It can be easily assembled by one person. The directions were relatively straightforward. My main criticism is the build quality -- it felt cheap, especially when compared to furniture. The screws didnt always lie flush when screwed in, but most of them did. But once completed, the day bed looks great for the part. Hopefully, this daybed frame will hold up!
Bought it for a large family room because my wife had never owned one and always wanted but local prices where just prohibitive, my daughter found this on and she had to have it...She loves it
Im 65. This was easy to assemble - by myself! I often have a granddaughter stay and this was a perfect solution for a room that I did not want to see a large bed take up space!
This daybed is fairly easy to assemble, and it looks high quality. So far, it has been a great addition to the room and seems pretty durable for a daybed less than $150!
Considering the price we were expecting to find some flimsy throw away type furniture. But to our surprise it was exceptionally well build. Sturdy. Easy to assemble. And exactly what we were looking for. I would recommend this daybed to anybody interested and having a guest bed or just something comfy to lie on in the living room.
Terrific heavy duty adult size day bed. The instruction were were fairly straight forward. I would highly recommend this bed. This bed is super sturdy!
My sister ordered this so she can stay with her daughter off and on. She needed sturdy and compact...this fit the bill. During the day, other members of the household use this bed.. and frame, to sit on.
Daybed black metal
I bought it for my grand daughter when she sleeps over. A good product, was assembled by 12 y/o grandson. Looks very nice in spare room with blue quilt and pillows. I recommend it.
Day Bed
It looks great and seems very sturdy. Great value for the money.
Basic Daybed
I was looking for a reasonably priced, but attractive daybed for my bedroom. This daybed fits both bills. The box came with all the parts and hardware -- they even included extra screws. I took my time putting the bed together. It can be easily assembled by one person. The directions were relatively straightforward. My main criticism is the build quality -- it felt cheap, especially when compared to furniture. The screws didnt always lie flush when screwed in, but most of them did. But once completed, the day bed looks great for the part. Hopefully, this daybed frame will hold up!
My Wife Loves It
Bought it for a large family room because my wife had never owned one and always wanted but local prices where just prohibitive, my daughter found this on and she had to have it...She loves it
Great for a childs room!
Im 65. This was easy to assemble - by myself! I often have a granddaughter stay and this was a perfect solution for a room that I did not want to see a large bed take up space!
Good Value
This daybed is fairly easy to assemble, and it looks high quality. So far, it has been a great addition to the room and seems pretty durable for a daybed less than $150!
Quality and value
Considering the price we were expecting to find some flimsy throw away type furniture. But to our surprise it was exceptionally well build. Sturdy. Easy to assemble. And exactly what we were looking for. I would recommend this daybed to anybody interested and having a guest bed or just something comfy to lie on in the living room.
Heavy duty adult size day bed
Terrific heavy duty adult size day bed. The instruction were were fairly straight forward. I would highly recommend this bed. This bed is super sturdy!
Sturdy and good value
My sister ordered this so she can stay with her daughter off and on. She needed sturdy and compact...this fit the bill. During the day, other members of the household use this bed.. and frame, to sit on.
Highly recommend
Great quality for price
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