Bought for my 12 month old and he loves it. He will sit in it while watching TV or just playing with his toys. Ive even sat on it on the floor a few times its so comfy! Perfect size for him and easy to move around as needed. It took a few months to get it but it was worth it. Easy to set up.
Got this for my 19 month old and he likes it. But my only think is it is not to sturdy the arms sort of bend down if he is laying on the couch. Other than that it is nice and both my 6 year old like it and can sit on it together. Its good enough.
Our family gives this product five stars hands down. We were over a friends house for dinner last month and they had one for their . Our 15 month old immediately gravitated towards it when he first saw it so we decided to order him one for home. As it turns out both our our youngest son and our five year old use it all the time. They will lay on it together while watching Nick jr. This was definitely worth the purchase. Awesome!
Stupid couch
My love it chooses to sleep on it instead of his bed which is also paw patrol My mom loves it.
Love it! Worth the long shipping wait!
Bought for my 12 month old and he loves it. He will sit in it while watching TV or just playing with his toys. Ive even sat on it on the floor a few times its so comfy! Perfect size for him and easy to move around as needed. It took a few months to get it but it was worth it. Easy to set up.
Grandson loves it. Wants to take naps on it. A little smallee than I thought it would be, but aming. Easy to spot clean. Enjoyed it.
For my 2 1/2 yr. Old grandsonwho is, at the moment is OBSESSED WITH PAW PATROL I love this!
Love it !
It took a month to receive. But other than that it was perfect. Good product!
Great Buy!
My son loves this couch! Great buy! beautiful.
It is ok.
Got this for my 19 month old and he likes it. But my only think is it is not to sturdy the arms sort of bend down if he is laying on the couch. Other than that it is nice and both my 6 year old like it and can sit on it together. Its good enough.
Perfect Just ok
We LOVE it!!!
Our family gives this product five stars hands down. We were over a friends house for dinner last month and they had one for their . Our 15 month old immediately gravitated towards it when he first saw it so we decided to order him one for home. As it turns out both our our youngest son and our five year old use it all the time. They will lay on it together while watching Nick jr. This was definitely worth the purchase. Awesome!
work great
absolutely adorable and love just the tongue to the zipper was missing otherwise would have been a 5 perfect.
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