Put it up out of the box and its great for our 14 trampoline. Way easier than the chair or milk crate we were using. The incline is perfect and it touches the ground as intended.
really durable, and can hold both kids and adults weight getting in and out of the trampoline multiple times a day. The only down side is that theres nothing securing the ladder to the frame of the trampoline, so if you move too fast, it tends to slip a bit. As long as i remind my kids to go slow, this ladder is fantastic.
Overall, this is a good ladder. It is sturdy, yet lightweight. It is simplist in design but fit our trampoline great. We did have to get a replacement on this ladder because the screws kept coming out of the back. I am hoping the new ladder works better but I still think the ladder is good.
This ladder is aming! Super to easy to put together and fits perfect on our 14ft trampoline. My 2yr old is able to get on and off the trampoline now without any assistance. Its great
We bought this for my grandson so he could get up into the trampoline by himself. It was perfect. Now he doesnt need any help. Very easy to put together. I would recommend this for anyone that has a small child and a trampoline.
Easy to assemble!
Came quickly, hubby put together in moments, great sturdy ladder for grandkids to get into the trampoline!
Works great
Put it up out of the box and its great for our 14 trampoline. Way easier than the chair or milk crate we were using. The incline is perfect and it touches the ground as intended.
Once you have it stable, its great!
really durable, and can hold both kids and adults weight getting in and out of the trampoline multiple times a day. The only down side is that theres nothing securing the ladder to the frame of the trampoline, so if you move too fast, it tends to slip a bit. As long as i remind my kids to go slow, this ladder is fantastic.
Nice and sturdy.
It works well, but I plan to tie it off to prevent it from moving or being stolen as easily.
A little short for standard trampoline
Nice, sturdy ladder. A little short for our standard height trampoline. There is no tilt, rather straight up and down to the ground
Overall, this is a good ladder. It is sturdy, yet lightweight. It is simplist in design but fit our trampoline great. We did have to get a replacement on this ladder because the screws kept coming out of the back. I am hoping the new ladder works better but I still think the ladder is good.
This ladder is aming! Super to easy to put together and fits perfect on our 14ft trampoline. My 2yr old is able to get on and off the trampoline now without any assistance. Its great
I love it
I love it, it was easy to assemble We all love it!
PLEASE NOTE: Pieces arent individually packaged, so item will come chipped no matter how many replacements you order.
Great product
We bought this for my grandson so he could get up into the trampoline by himself. It was perfect. Now he doesnt need any help. Very easy to put together. I would recommend this for anyone that has a small child and a trampoline.
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