Fairly easy to put together, and its sturdy for a loft bed. We mounted it for extra support (it shook a bit on the top bunk). Our daughter loves it. Im sure there are better ones out there. but this is wonderful for the low price. Quality seems to be good so far
Exactly what I was looking for. Easy assembly and simple directions. The bed is sturdy and the desk is a great feature. Perfect for my 8 year old Well made and comfy!
The bed is really good for the price, it is not as sturdy as I would like it but Im not worried that my daughter will fall or anything like that, the desk at the bottom is great for her to organize her school books and decorate it pretty, I love it , it has also allowed her to have more room in her bedroom for other items. it is the best product.
Only thing I dont care for is the hard ladder. it hurts my sons feet when he goes up the ladder and down. Otherwise very sturdy he enjoys the computer desk underneath for gaming and online school. Great bed for small space. still feels plenty sturdy
A lot of the predrilled holes did not line up. And the desk came in damaged. It was a gift for our daughters birthday and Im pretty disappointed. Best choice
Fast delivery
Very nice bunk bed my daughter really Loves it. Highly recommend
Great bed for the price
Fairly easy to put together, and its sturdy for a loft bed. We mounted it for extra support (it shook a bit on the top bunk). Our daughter loves it. Im sure there are better ones out there. but this is wonderful for the low price. Quality seems to be good so far
Exactly what I was looking for. Easy assembly and simple directions. The bed is sturdy and the desk is a great feature. Perfect for my 8 year old Well made and comfy!
great value!
The bed is really good for the price, it is not as sturdy as I would like it but Im not worried that my daughter will fall or anything like that, the desk at the bottom is great for her to organize her school books and decorate it pretty, I love it , it has also allowed her to have more room in her bedroom for other items. it is the best product.
Great Value
Bed is a pretty good height. Was easy to assemble but is a little wobbly due to the height No complaints, really happy
Easy to set up and my kids love it
Bought this bunk bed for the kiddos and they love it very happy with how easy I was able to assemble I totally recommend it
Great! simple yet awesome design
Twin Desk bed
My kid loves it and it was easy to set up but the ladder is hard on his feet cant praise it enough!
Loft bed
Only thing I dont care for is the hard ladder. it hurts my sons feet when he goes up the ladder and down. Otherwise very sturdy he enjoys the computer desk underneath for gaming and online school. Great bed for small space. still feels plenty sturdy
Be prepared to install screws crooked.
A lot of the predrilled holes did not line up. And the desk came in damaged. It was a gift for our daughters birthday and Im pretty disappointed. Best choice
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