Its sturdy and was easy to assemble. Getting the holes to line up to add the large knobs was slightly difficult. This product is sturdy. I havent folded it because unscrewing the six legs would take too much time.
The threading on two of the legs was defective and the legs wouldnt screw in all the way. Fortunately it didnt affect the functionality too much, but dont put a level on it because its a little uneven.
Good product for the price but if you plan on using it and folding it away on a regular basis (or at all) Id find something else. The legs and balance bar were a PAIN to get on / husband had to use a pipe wrench to get a few of the legs on. Theres no way I could take this down and put it back up even once a week or once a month. But, its sturdy and a good workout. Great for the whole family!
The trampoline is a good value but it did not come with bolts to install the handrail. Contacted customer service three times in the last month and still no response or bolts.
Sturdy and a nice arm rail. Good Purchase
Its sturdy and was easy to assemble. Getting the holes to line up to add the large knobs was slightly difficult. This product is sturdy. I havent folded it because unscrewing the six legs would take too much time.
Very good!!!!
Very good!!!
Uneven legs
The threading on two of the legs was defective and the legs wouldnt screw in all the way. Fortunately it didnt affect the functionality too much, but dont put a level on it because its a little uneven.
Great product and value,
Excellent quality, stable, durable
Love it. Stable. Large. Quiet.
Home workout
Great for at home workouts
Bouncing and bouncing
Super sturdy and I love the size of the base. make jumping less scary and I am willing to do more knowing I wont fall off the side lol
Not great for storing
Good product for the price but if you plan on using it and folding it away on a regular basis (or at all) Id find something else. The legs and balance bar were a PAIN to get on / husband had to use a pipe wrench to get a few of the legs on. Theres no way I could take this down and put it back up even once a week or once a month. But, its sturdy and a good workout. Great for the whole family!
It is what it is
It was easy to assemble.
Non/existent customer service
The trampoline is a good value but it did not come with bolts to install the handrail. Contacted customer service three times in the last month and still no response or bolts.
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