Great buy for the cost! I received this item pretty fast. Takes A LOT of patience. It took me alone about 4 hours to assemble. Theres a key that is used for most of the bolts. My thumb hurt so bad after I was done. I needed a loft with a desk that was not too big for a small apartment bedroom. It was perfect! My daughter loves her new bed. Desk is nice and sturdy for virtual learning.
The bunk bed is nice looking and sturdy. My kids like it. I found the assembly process difficult because a lot of the holes for the barrel connectors are misaligned. This misalignment of holes done in the manufacturing process caused a lot of barrel connectors to cross thread. No extras included. Even with the awareness of possible cross threading, I found the barrel connectors to be soft and of poor quality metal, and easily damaged. The wood is good quality, but the fasteners need to be upgraded.
This bed is just as described. I am a single mom and was able to put it together by myself. Its sturdy enough for me to get on the top bunk easily and I weigh over 200lbs. The only problem is the ladder is on the wrong side than I need it to be but I have just screwed it on the other end myself. Definitely happy with this purchase.
Arrived early. The color is beautiful and sturdy. It took me and one of my friends to put it together. Almost took 3 people to put together. The instructions were a little back wards but we figured it out.
I got this for a small room which my brother and I share so we can have more space. We were insure about bunkbeds for adults but this works great!
There is no shakiness, and we even have more storage space under the bed.
It was super easy to assemble as well.
I have been using it for a few months now and have had no issues!
I bought this bunk bed for a 2.5 yr old and 9 year old. The sturdiness is great and it was for the most part easy to assemble. My husband and I built it and it came with all the hardware and no mistakes in the wood. The only problem I have with the bed is how close the bottom bed is to the top one. My 2.5 yr old has hit her head a few time In the last day because of this. We had to buy baby bumpers on the wood underneath the top bunk to save her little head.
I was a bit skeptic from the negative reviews but decided to give this one a try. Some of the holes werent drilled all the way which made this a little difficult to assemble but if you have a screw gun youll be able to put it together no problem. Did take me about a hour and a half to assemble by myself. When it was finished the bunk bed was nice and sturdy so it was definitely worth the buy. Package also came in not damaged with no interior damage either. Overall very happy with this buy I would recommend this product
Just what I wanted
Great buy for the cost! I received this item pretty fast. Takes A LOT of patience. It took me alone about 4 hours to assemble. Theres a key that is used for most of the bolts. My thumb hurt so bad after I was done. I needed a loft with a desk that was not too big for a small apartment bedroom. It was perfect! My daughter loves her new bed. Desk is nice and sturdy for virtual learning.
Hardware quality needs improvement.
The bunk bed is nice looking and sturdy. My kids like it. I found the assembly process difficult because a lot of the holes for the barrel connectors are misaligned. This misalignment of holes done in the manufacturing process caused a lot of barrel connectors to cross thread. No extras included. Even with the awareness of possible cross threading, I found the barrel connectors to be soft and of poor quality metal, and easily damaged. The wood is good quality, but the fasteners need to be upgraded.
Not a great quality. The paint was scratched in a few places while assembling.
Not an excellent quality. The paint was scratched in a few places while assembling.
This bed is just as described. I am a single mom and was able to put it together by myself. Its sturdy enough for me to get on the top bunk easily and I weigh over 200lbs. The only problem is the ladder is on the wrong side than I need it to be but I have just screwed it on the other end myself. Definitely happy with this purchase.
Arrived early. The color is beautiful and sturdy. It took me and one of my friends to put it together. Almost took 3 people to put together. The instructions were a little back wards but we figured it out.
So sturdy even adults can use it
I got this for a small room which my brother and I share so we can have more space. We were insure about bunkbeds for adults but this works great! There is no shakiness, and we even have more storage space under the bed. It was super easy to assemble as well. I have been using it for a few months now and have had no issues!
Very nice style
I brought this for my grandson. He loves it. Very easy to assemble
Good product
I bought this bunk bed for a 2.5 yr old and 9 year old. The sturdiness is great and it was for the most part easy to assemble. My husband and I built it and it came with all the hardware and no mistakes in the wood. The only problem I have with the bed is how close the bottom bed is to the top one. My 2.5 yr old has hit her head a few time In the last day because of this. We had to buy baby bumpers on the wood underneath the top bunk to save her little head.
very good product.
Very good product for the price. You need drill to assemble it. It take me almost 2 hours to fix it.
I would recommend this product but did have a few flaws
I was a bit skeptic from the negative reviews but decided to give this one a try. Some of the holes werent drilled all the way which made this a little difficult to assemble but if you have a screw gun youll be able to put it together no problem. Did take me about a hour and a half to assemble by myself. When it was finished the bunk bed was nice and sturdy so it was definitely worth the buy. Package also came in not damaged with no interior damage either. Overall very happy with this buy I would recommend this product
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