This bench is sturdy enough to hold two adults and a child at a time. I bought two for my dining room and Im so glad I did. Easy to clean and looks nice
We use this bench at our dining room table. Its lightweight enough that the kids have upended it once or twice, but that is my only criticism. Its the perfect height for our table, it matches our table style, and its sturdy enough that three small kids or two adults can sit together on it quite well. It also wipes clean very nicely. Pretty sturdy. Good size.
I love this bench. It was simple to put together and Its fairly heavy and feels sturdy so far. My five year old and his 2 four year old sisters use this to eat on but they also drag it all over the kitchen and use it as a step stool. It still feels sturdy even after this. Not so bad.
The bench has worked very well for our needs. It is sturdy yet light enough for a four year old to move. Three children easily fit and have found it fun to sit on. It was simple to assemble. It took maybe half an hour. It matches our current table well. The finish is nice making for easy clean up. My son loves it!!
Five Stars
Easy to put together. Matches perfectly with my dining room set.
Sturdy bench
This bench is sturdy enough to hold two adults and a child at a time. I bought two for my dining room and Im so glad I did. Easy to clean and looks nice
While the craftsmanship is decent, the finishing is anything .
While the craftsmanship is decent, the finishing is anything but. The bench is not evenly painted on the underneath framing nor on the legs.
Perfect size and not wobbly
Took me 10 min to build. Perfect size and not wobbly.
sanded and painted the seat and it came out great.
I sanded and painted the seat and it came out great.
Good height for dining table
We use this bench at our dining room table. Its lightweight enough that the kids have upended it once or twice, but that is my only criticism. Its the perfect height for our table, it matches our table style, and its sturdy enough that three small kids or two adults can sit together on it quite well. It also wipes clean very nicely. Pretty sturdy. Good size.
Five Stars
It was an exact match for my kitchen thank you! Really Worth it
Heavy, sturdy bench. Looks great and good value.
I love this bench. It was simple to put together and Its fairly heavy and feels sturdy so far. My five year old and his 2 four year old sisters use this to eat on but they also drag it all over the kitchen and use it as a step stool. It still feels sturdy even after this. Not so bad.
Great bench
The bench has worked very well for our needs. It is sturdy yet light enough for a four year old to move. Three children easily fit and have found it fun to sit on. It was simple to assemble. It took maybe half an hour. It matches our current table well. The finish is nice making for easy clean up. My son loves it!!
Love this! It went together in a snap and is nice and sturdy. Looks perfect. Very well made.
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