Easy to assemble and super sturdy. Love the look for the price! Be careful with the draw assemble, Its easy to put the pieces backwards. Best for price.
I needed a table to put my computer on, and a few odds and ends. This was perfect. The drawer is nice and deep and holds lots of items. The shelf looked perfect with a couple of baskets on it. This was perfect! One person job.
We were looking for a table to sit below our TV and it is perfect! Sturdy and well made. Diagrams were well detailed and easy to follow for assembly. Buying another !
I love it and its in my hall way. Its very sturdy and has a nice height to it. The only issues I had with it is the instructions were a little hard to understand at certain steps. Maybe the company should make a YouTube channel on how to build it up! Quick ship.
Seemed like a thousand pieces and took about two hours alone. Put one piece on backwards and couldnt figure out how to fix but was okay in the end. Very attractive. This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy.
Great quality for cost
Easy to assemble and great price for the quality. I switched out the knobs easily to match my decor. Quality product.
Great price and beautiful console table!
Easy to assemble and super sturdy. Love the look for the price! Be careful with the draw assemble, Its easy to put the pieces backwards. Best for price.
I needed a table to put my computer on, and a few odds and ends. This was perfect. The drawer is nice and deep and holds lots of items. The shelf looked perfect with a couple of baskets on it. This was perfect! One person job.
Wrong size for area needed
Too small for area.
Fun to put together and looks good.
Quick assembly. Sturdy. Looks nice I am impressed!
What you see is what you get!
Exactly as described! Satisfied
Great Table
We were looking for a table to sit below our TV and it is perfect! Sturdy and well made. Diagrams were well detailed and easy to follow for assembly. Buying another !
In love
I bought this table for my entry way hall. It is definitely beautiful and looks aming. One of my best buys.
Sturdy worth money!!
I love it and its in my hall way. Its very sturdy and has a nice height to it. The only issues I had with it is the instructions were a little hard to understand at certain steps. Maybe the company should make a YouTube channel on how to build it up! Quick ship.
Attractive table
Seemed like a thousand pieces and took about two hours alone. Put one piece on backwards and couldnt figure out how to fix but was okay in the end. Very attractive. This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy.
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