Sturdy looks the same as in photos great price My daughter absolutely loves her big girl bed! I put this together with my husband in under an hour. I will say the instructions made it seem like the hardware that came with the bed wasnt correct but in the end we had all the pieces. I did reach out to the seller worried before assembly and they quickly sent me a replacement that was exactly the same. Kudos to them for being quick and understanding. This bed will be so versatile when it comes to decorating for the room theme
Cheap sturdy stylish!!! Assembly was just us guessing - it took much longer than it should have but we got it up properly. The instructions could use some help!
The bed itself is really cute. It isnt the sturdiest so if you have kids that think theyre monkeys thats something to consider. Overall, were happy with the bed and the price we paid for it!
The instructions that came with this bed were horrible, but we managed. A few of the boards didnt have any holes drilled where they were supposed to be for assembly so we had to make them ourselves.
Very comfortable, worth the money I like it overall, my daughter loves it. Endless enjoyment of making tents over the frame.
Im not impressed with the construction of the top point, though. The boards meet at a strange angle, and it could be a little sturdier.
Overall happy, especially at the price. Would recommend.
Pleased with this purchase. LOVE this bed for my three-year-old! The mattress fits perfectly inside the frame without to much space on the sides. It is perfect!
Just what we were looking at a great price Directions were alittle hard to understand and some of the stickers of which parts were what had fallen off or were never put on. Other then that just make sure you have someone else to help you build it as it is not a one person job.
It wont disappoint! This is so cute. Got this for my 1yos room. He and my 4 yo love it! We wrapped fairy lights around the top, and it is adorable. It did not come with all the bolts listed in the assembly instructions, but my husband assembled it anyway with what was included. He had no problem doing it alone. I wouldnt dangle on it like a set of monkey bars, but it is plenty sturdy for playing and sleeping in.
Great value, must buy
Sturdy looks the same as in photos great price My daughter absolutely loves her big girl bed! I put this together with my husband in under an hour. I will say the instructions made it seem like the hardware that came with the bed wasnt correct but in the end we had all the pieces. I did reach out to the seller worried before assembly and they quickly sent me a replacement that was exactly the same. Kudos to them for being quick and understanding. This bed will be so versatile when it comes to decorating for the room theme
Muy lindo
It is very cute my little ones were happy for their new beds
Great little bed, low assembly rating and can be wobbly.
Cheap sturdy stylish!!! Assembly was just us guessing - it took much longer than it should have but we got it up properly. The instructions could use some help! The bed itself is really cute. It isnt the sturdiest so if you have kids that think theyre monkeys thats something to consider. Overall, were happy with the bed and the price we paid for it!
You get what you pay for
The instructions that came with this bed were horrible, but we managed. A few of the boards didnt have any holes drilled where they were supposed to be for assembly so we had to make them ourselves.
It is really pretty For the price it cant be beat. Wood glue should help keep frame sturdy when assembling.
Better than expected Good quality and good costumer service
Good, worth the money
Very comfortable, worth the money I like it overall, my daughter loves it. Endless enjoyment of making tents over the frame. Im not impressed with the construction of the top point, though. The boards meet at a strange angle, and it could be a little sturdier. Overall happy, especially at the price. Would recommend.
Love this bed!
Pleased with this purchase. LOVE this bed for my three-year-old! The mattress fits perfectly inside the frame without to much space on the sides. It is perfect!
Perfect bed for a starter kid bed
Just what we were looking at a great price Directions were alittle hard to understand and some of the stickers of which parts were what had fallen off or were never put on. Other then that just make sure you have someone else to help you build it as it is not a one person job.
Missing hardware, but works.
It wont disappoint! This is so cute. Got this for my 1yos room. He and my 4 yo love it! We wrapped fairy lights around the top, and it is adorable. It did not come with all the bolts listed in the assembly instructions, but my husband assembled it anyway with what was included. He had no problem doing it alone. I wouldnt dangle on it like a set of monkey bars, but it is plenty sturdy for playing and sleeping in.
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