This chair is perfect for a mother of two and story time. simple to put together and elevates the design of the nursery and ads the needed comfort. My mom loves it.
Assembly was quick and easy. The chair does not seem the sturdiest, so sit easy. It is comfy enough, but the seat is not deep enough in my opinion. It doesnt rock well on carpet. It is very cute and is big enough for my myself and my 2 youngest kids to sit in for bedtime book reading and has plenty of room for nursing the baby. Easy to set up.
Great addition to my sons room. Im absolutely I love with this chair. Its sturdy, easy to put together and comfy enough. I read to my son and put him to sleep in it every night. Good product!
This rocking chair is aming. We just delivered twin girls and this will fit either my husband or myself and both girls. The chair was very easy to assemble once you know where everything is. The base has Velcro on the bottom that opens up. That is where you will find the rocking chair legs and instructions. Once we found it, it took 5 minutes to assemble and seems very sturdy. beautiful.
Very easy to assemble, only took about 10 minutes. Bought this for my nursery and its exactly what we were looking for. I took away a star because 1, being that its so lightweight, it slides VERY easily across the carpet which can be a safety hard for some if youre not careful and 2, I was resting my elbow on the arm rest and I guess I put a little too much pressure on one side and put a dent/hole in whatever soft cardboard/sequel material is under the cushion? Its not noticeable unless you run your hand over it and feel for it but it happened pretty easily. I need.
I absolutely love this chair!! It was easy to assemble and looks fantastic. I do wish it was a bit more cushiony but other than that Im very happy with it. I absolutely love how wide it is by the way, its fantastic for feeding my daughter in her room. We had another chair prior and I could not feed her in it because she was so long her head kept hitting the wooden arm rest, which made me feed her either on the floor (which btw is impossible to stand up from with a sleeping baby) or feed her in my room on my bed. Awesome product.
The chair looks great in our nursery. Ive added some throw pillows and fluffy blanket to make it more comfortable when breastfeeding or rocking for a long time. I love that its wide enough for me, our baby, and our lab who loves to cuddle!
I appreciate that the company reached out to inform us a head of time that our order would arrive in two sperate boxes. When my husband was assembling he thought that the rockers were missing. When I reached out to the company for assistance, they clearly and kindly explained where to find them (behind the velcro lining). I appreciate how quickly and professionally they follow up with such a silly question Easy build,
Great double rocker!
This chair is perfect for a mother of two and story time. simple to put together and elevates the design of the nursery and ads the needed comfort. My mom loves it.
Not too bad
Assembly was quick and easy. The chair does not seem the sturdiest, so sit easy. It is comfy enough, but the seat is not deep enough in my opinion. It doesnt rock well on carpet. It is very cute and is big enough for my myself and my 2 youngest kids to sit in for bedtime book reading and has plenty of room for nursing the baby. Easy to set up.
The chair is sturdy, very big and comfortable Enjoyed it.
So cute!
So, so cute! Ive received numerous compliments on this beauty! I love this!
Buy It!!!
Great addition to my sons room. Im absolutely I love with this chair. Its sturdy, easy to put together and comfy enough. I read to my son and put him to sleep in it every night. Good product!
Great Rocking Chair!
This rocking chair is aming. We just delivered twin girls and this will fit either my husband or myself and both girls. The chair was very easy to assemble once you know where everything is. The base has Velcro on the bottom that opens up. That is where you will find the rocking chair legs and instructions. Once we found it, it took 5 minutes to assemble and seems very sturdy. beautiful.
Liked perfect.
Looks Good in our Nursery
Very easy to assemble, only took about 10 minutes. Bought this for my nursery and its exactly what we were looking for. I took away a star because 1, being that its so lightweight, it slides VERY easily across the carpet which can be a safety hard for some if youre not careful and 2, I was resting my elbow on the arm rest and I guess I put a little too much pressure on one side and put a dent/hole in whatever soft cardboard/sequel material is under the cushion? Its not noticeable unless you run your hand over it and feel for it but it happened pretty easily. I need.
Best chair to feed a baby!!!
I absolutely love this chair!! It was easy to assemble and looks fantastic. I do wish it was a bit more cushiony but other than that Im very happy with it. I absolutely love how wide it is by the way, its fantastic for feeding my daughter in her room. We had another chair prior and I could not feed her in it because she was so long her head kept hitting the wooden arm rest, which made me feed her either on the floor (which btw is impossible to stand up from with a sleeping baby) or feed her in my room on my bed. Awesome product.
Oversized Pretty
The chair looks great in our nursery. Ive added some throw pillows and fluffy blanket to make it more comfortable when breastfeeding or rocking for a long time. I love that its wide enough for me, our baby, and our lab who loves to cuddle! I appreciate that the company reached out to inform us a head of time that our order would arrive in two sperate boxes. When my husband was assembling he thought that the rockers were missing. When I reached out to the company for assistance, they clearly and kindly explained where to find them (behind the velcro lining). I appreciate how quickly and professionally they follow up with such a silly question Easy build,
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