Overall pretty sturdy chairs. I wish the base was a little bigger. Would not advise children to use this chair since you can tip over and fall. Enough strength.
They look exactly as pictured and they are pretty comfortable. We had a little imperfection on one of them but wasnt a big enough deal to try to replace Im happy.
Love the chairs, they are just the right height, but when putting together you have to be easy with the screws. Holes arent perfectly aligned and they can strip out. Threads are really soft. Not as easy as people say.
The bar stools were very easy to assemble but both boxes arrived slightly opened and were missing some of the stool screws, make sure each chair had a red bag of screws. The customer service was very responsive and sent me more screws right away. I would recommend purchasing these stools for the price and comfort Excellent value!
Exactly as pictured. Only downfall was lots of debris with unpackaging and the chairs have a slight rock (uneven). Otherwise, theyre great and got them for an even better price! Comfort.
Sturdy Attractive / Great product, but come with Full of debris, like sands or metal debris. easy to assembly together. I have to return them, because one of bar between legs is to short and screw too short as well to make it work. Best for price.
Great chairs for the price
Overall pretty sturdy chairs. I wish the base was a little bigger. Would not advise children to use this chair since you can tip over and fall. Enough strength.
No sturdy / unstable
Stools are small. Seat is not very wide and when extended fully the stool is very unstable.
Comfortable and stylish
So quick to assemble and perfect for my kitchen counter Easy to fix.
Comfortable and look good
They look exactly as pictured and they are pretty comfortable. We had a little imperfection on one of them but wasnt a big enough deal to try to replace Im happy.
Screw holes strip easy
Love the chairs, they are just the right height, but when putting together you have to be easy with the screws. Holes arent perfectly aligned and they can strip out. Threads are really soft. Not as easy as people say.
Easy to assemble
The bar stools were very easy to assemble but both boxes arrived slightly opened and were missing some of the stool screws, make sure each chair had a red bag of screws. The customer service was very responsive and sent me more screws right away. I would recommend purchasing these stools for the price and comfort Excellent value!
assembly was easy but instructions were a little confusing. one of my chairs is lopsided and I had reassembled it twice. what I needed.
Looks great!
Exactly as pictured. Only downfall was lots of debris with unpackaging and the chairs have a slight rock (uneven). Otherwise, theyre great and got them for an even better price! Comfort.
Good bar stools
I like this bar stools, it was really easy to assemble, but i should use them for a while to see if it is still good Quality product.
Sturdy and Comfortable
Sturdy Attractive / Great product, but come with Full of debris, like sands or metal debris. easy to assembly together. I have to return them, because one of bar between legs is to short and screw too short as well to make it work. Best for price.
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