I like the desk. It is sturdy. I ran into an issue during assembly: the predrilled holes were off. I had to drill an additional hole/ so be mindful of that and do not purchase unless you have the tools to do so.
Fairly simple to put together as long as you follow instructions. Everything was letter labeled and separated in bags. No missing parts and the boards were not scuffed. Picture diagram was easy to follow. I would recommend a second person to help to hold things steady when assembling the bigger pieces together. Very happy with purchase!
It came boxed up nicely. No damage. It comes with a bit for the drill to make assembly easy, which is awesome. It was really nice not to have to use the stupid Allen keys that usually come with these type of things. Fast assembly, very nice looks wise and so far is working out great. We got the blue and white one.
I bought this for my seven/year/old sons room, and I put it together by myself in about an hour. It is so sturdy and not that cheap particleboard or anything. He loves it so much and it looks so good in his room! We got the black/and/white one, and it is so sharp!
The desk came in great condition and it turned out to be the best size. It takes a lot of books and all my extra stuff that was hanging around. Beautiful desk overall. Worth the price!
Assembly is very tricky.
I like the desk. It is sturdy. I ran into an issue during assembly: the predrilled holes were off. I had to drill an additional hole/ so be mindful of that and do not purchase unless you have the tools to do so.
Lots of room
Fairly simple to put together as long as you follow instructions. Everything was letter labeled and separated in bags. No missing parts and the boards were not scuffed. Picture diagram was easy to follow. I would recommend a second person to help to hold things steady when assembling the bigger pieces together. Very happy with purchase!
Good buy
Easy to put together looks good in a corner
Very nice desk. My daughter loves it.
It came boxed up nicely. No damage. It comes with a bit for the drill to make assembly easy, which is awesome. It was really nice not to have to use the stupid Allen keys that usually come with these type of things. Fast assembly, very nice looks wise and so far is working out great. We got the blue and white one.
Its great
Its great, its sturdy and does the job
Great product
Great product. This is value for money for sure. I am more than satisfied with the product. Great instructions for assembly
Worth the money
Shipping was speedy, directions were clear and easy to follow.
Best desk ever
I bought this for my seven/year/old sons room, and I put it together by myself in about an hour. It is so sturdy and not that cheap particleboard or anything. He loves it so much and it looks so good in his room! We got the black/and/white one, and it is so sharp!
Good quality and quick delivery
Christmas present for my son. It arrived on time and was an easy assembly process. It was exactly as pictured with all parts included.
perfect desk
The desk came in great condition and it turned out to be the best size. It takes a lot of books and all my extra stuff that was hanging around. Beautiful desk overall. Worth the price!
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