Instructions had no words. Hard to understand some of it. Some pieces pulled apart after it was together. Had to glue it together and hoping it holds. A pretty bed but not sure how it will hold up.
Perfect for my 3 year old girl. Low to the ground and easy for her to get in and out. Comes with risers to make higher when she is bigger. Very sturdy. My husband and I have both slept in this bed as well and very sturdy.
My daughter loves this daybed! It has a antique style look to it but also modern and sleek. The trundle goes in and out easily and it was very easy to put together.
Bed frame was easy to assemble and cam with all the needed tools. Was able to completely put it together on my own. Got the blue and I love the color for my boys room. Doesnt wobble or shake, which is great. The only complaint I might have is that the trundle doesnt have any edge parts that come up to help hold the mattress in place.
Didnt look like was going to be easy to assemble at first when took everything out the box but can tell you looks can be deceitful was easy! Looks very nice in the room might sleep on it myself be a guest in my own home
Very happy with product
Very impressed. Packaging was pristine, all parts there with extras, instructions were easy. Nice addition to my three season porch.
Lots of pieces. Instructions could be better
Instructions had no words. Hard to understand some of it. Some pieces pulled apart after it was together. Had to glue it together and hoping it holds. A pretty bed but not sure how it will hold up.
Perfect for little ones
Perfect for my 3 year old girl. Low to the ground and easy for her to get in and out. Comes with risers to make higher when she is bigger. Very sturdy. My husband and I have both slept in this bed as well and very sturdy.
Love this!
My daughter loves this daybed! It has a antique style look to it but also modern and sleek. The trundle goes in and out easily and it was very easy to put together.
Good value for the money
Bed frame was easy to assemble and cam with all the needed tools. Was able to completely put it together on my own. Got the blue and I love the color for my boys room. Doesnt wobble or shake, which is great. The only complaint I might have is that the trundle doesnt have any edge parts that come up to help hold the mattress in place.
Adorable sturdy
Cute bed sturdy enough for this momma to climb into bed with my girl for a bit.
A good buy! Thumbs up!
Such a cute bed! A good value for the money. Came well packaged and it was easy to assemble.
Solid Product!
Really liked all the slat reinforcement and was pleasantly surprised at how straightforward the assembly was.
Daybeds for guest room!
My grand children will love it when they come to visit!
Had some visitors and they used both beds said their sleep enjoyed very comfortable thanks
Didnt look like was going to be easy to assemble at first when took everything out the box but can tell you looks can be deceitful was easy! Looks very nice in the room might sleep on it myself be a guest in my own home
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