It was easy to assemble. Slightly smaller than what we thought but it actually worked out better for the space. The seller was wonderful to work with when we needed a replacement part. Well made and packaged.
Pretty easy to assemble and all the tools provided, its just pretty small and not worth the price tag imo. Unsure if Ill be keeping it. Something like this shouldnt cost more than 30. Great for a kids room or a guest room. Good quality.
The dresser was nicer than I imagined, but also smaller. It was easy to assemble. It comes with all the tools needed to assemble. The wood part was actually nicer than I imagine. The drawers are actually smaller than I hoped. The drawers will work for socks and underwear, but you really cant use it for other clothing items unless you have very few. I still would recommend it, but not if you plan to store lots of clothing items. Great!
Overall, this is a great product and works perfectly for a little kid who doesnt need much room in a chest of drawers. All the holes are drilled and punched properly, there are extras for most hardware, it is very sturdy when fully assembled, and it is lightweight which makes frequent moves much easier.
Now the Tacks: These are kind of a joke. It looks like barely any filler was added when they welded the frame. They could have made the tacks a little longer or maybe done two per joint instead of one. Mine came with one drawer bracket at an angle from a popped tack. Thankfully, I was able to take it to work and fix it but if you dont have access to welding machines, youll have to send it back. I would suggest TIG if you do have to fix one.
It was packaged well with double reinforced corners, but all the jostling in shipping can still easily pop any of the tacks. They need better quality control there. Everything else made it through shipment perfectly. Good quality.
Looked so much bigger online. Considering how much I paid I expected a bigger dresser. Its ok just wish it was worth the price for the small size it is. works great.
So its missing holes, the front holes for the shelves arent lined up with the back so its at an angle. Its completely missing the outside hole for one of the bottom T bars so I cant secure it to the base. Hopefully I can get it replaced and get it shipped soon enough to have it for what I need it for Three Stars.
Very stylish and sturdy
It was easy to assemble. Slightly smaller than what we thought but it actually worked out better for the space. The seller was wonderful to work with when we needed a replacement part. Well made and packaged.
Its tiny
Pretty easy to assemble and all the tools provided, its just pretty small and not worth the price tag imo. Unsure if Ill be keeping it. Something like this shouldnt cost more than 30. Great for a kids room or a guest room. Good quality.
I like it, perfect for storage, it is smaller than intended and smaller than pictures make it seem Value for money.
Smaller than I thought
The dresser was nicer than I imagined, but also smaller. It was easy to assemble. It comes with all the tools needed to assemble. The wood part was actually nicer than I imagine. The drawers are actually smaller than I hoped. The drawers will work for socks and underwear, but you really cant use it for other clothing items unless you have very few. I still would recommend it, but not if you plan to store lots of clothing items. Great!
Tacks May Be an Issue
Overall, this is a great product and works perfectly for a little kid who doesnt need much room in a chest of drawers. All the holes are drilled and punched properly, there are extras for most hardware, it is very sturdy when fully assembled, and it is lightweight which makes frequent moves much easier. Now the Tacks: These are kind of a joke. It looks like barely any filler was added when they welded the frame. They could have made the tacks a little longer or maybe done two per joint instead of one. Mine came with one drawer bracket at an angle from a popped tack. Thankfully, I was able to take it to work and fix it but if you dont have access to welding machines, youll have to send it back. I would suggest TIG if you do have to fix one. It was packaged well with double reinforced corners, but all the jostling in shipping can still easily pop any of the tacks. They need better quality control there. Everything else made it through shipment perfectly. Good quality.
Not very big
Looked so much bigger online. Considering how much I paid I expected a bigger dresser. Its ok just wish it was worth the price for the small size it is. works great.
So its missing holes, the front holes for the shelves arent lined up with the back so its at an angle. Its completely missing the outside hole for one of the bottom T bars so I cant secure it to the base. Hopefully I can get it replaced and get it shipped soon enough to have it for what I need it for Three Stars.
Smaller than I thought
Too small Might scream while assembling.
Did what I needed it to do
meet my needs
Storage unit
This is much needed to organize room. My daughter love it!!!
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