Its a cute bunk. Definitely takes at least 2 people. My spouse and I built this together and it was rather easy once youre used to reading instructions of these sorts (we like to build things together). Its sturdy enough but I wouldnt dare lay on the top bunk myself as I dont think its sturdy enough. Came with some scratches and I wish the wood was better quality. This product was just what I needed
Our son loves this bed. We have had it for a few months now and have only had a few issues. The wood frame is very lightweight and doesnt feel the most sturdy. Some parts of the front frame did not screw in and seemed to already be stripped so the screw wont stay in. My husband used wood filler and it still wont keep the screw in. The planks that go under his mattress are fine. Some of them had some yellow stains. The bed altogether was easy to assemble but may take a second person to help hold the frame together while the other screws it together. I would like for the frame to be a little more sturdy. But for the amount we paid, I didnt expect it to be a heavy duty bed.
We do love that it is a loft bed so we can have his toys in buckets under the bed. I was actually pretty disappointed.
We have been looking for one for a long time but everytime we found something it was always a bit higher than what we were looking for. This one turned out just fine in every aspect, especially the height and once we added the 6 mattress, it was a perfect match.
Some of the reviews had us a bit hesitating but there is really no online shopping without risks. Granted we have not been having the product for a long time but so far it is serving the purpose and more. Our kid most certainly loves it. Very good for the money. I honestly love
Assembling any furniture is not easy. The bottom bunk is small, so we have our toddler there, so she doesnt have to climb or get hurt. I can sit up right under there. Top is y older daughter. It is very sturdy, and no toys or junk can go underneath it. Its a pian getting sheets on the bottom but thats because our mattress is a little thick and Im 8 months pregnant. Good Quality for Cost
Takes awhile to assemble but wow is it sturdy and top end material. The finish is flawless, directions were accurate and my kids love it. We all love it!
Easy assembly, it took me and my friend 2 hours to assemble. Make sure that when your assembling you have the right parts in the exact spot bc ladder placement. We accidentally switched the two bottom side rails and had to quickly switch them around once we noticed.
As others have noted this product does have an awful smell that lingers, weve had this product set up for 3 days and i can still smell it upon entering the room even w the windows open.
After assembly I got on the top bunk to do a safety test to make sure it was sturdy before my kids used it. Although it did hold me just fine while lying down ( 170lbs) , when I got on the bed the pressure from me mounting the bed in a kneeling position caused the slat underneath me to make some sketchy cracking noise. As others have noted I added an extra set of slats to the top bunk. I had them from our old bed, but if your buying this I suggest ordering an extra set of slats and doubling up top.
Lastly, the side rails of the bed have weirdly sharp edges. The entire bed actually had sharp edges. I wish they were more rounded edges on the wood pieces.
My 4 y/o can get up using the awkward ladder just fine, and I love that I can kiss her goodnight on the on the top bunk very easily without having to climb it Super easy to assemble and so worth the money!
Its cute
Its a cute bunk. Definitely takes at least 2 people. My spouse and I built this together and it was rather easy once youre used to reading instructions of these sorts (we like to build things together). Its sturdy enough but I wouldnt dare lay on the top bunk myself as I dont think its sturdy enough. Came with some scratches and I wish the wood was better quality. This product was just what I needed
Very light weight wood
Our son loves this bed. We have had it for a few months now and have only had a few issues. The wood frame is very lightweight and doesnt feel the most sturdy. Some parts of the front frame did not screw in and seemed to already be stripped so the screw wont stay in. My husband used wood filler and it still wont keep the screw in. The planks that go under his mattress are fine. Some of them had some yellow stains. The bed altogether was easy to assemble but may take a second person to help hold the frame together while the other screws it together. I would like for the frame to be a little more sturdy. But for the amount we paid, I didnt expect it to be a heavy duty bed. We do love that it is a loft bed so we can have his toys in buckets under the bed. I was actually pretty disappointed.
Perfect for the price
We have been looking for one for a long time but everytime we found something it was always a bit higher than what we were looking for. This one turned out just fine in every aspect, especially the height and once we added the 6 mattress, it was a perfect match. Some of the reviews had us a bit hesitating but there is really no online shopping without risks. Granted we have not been having the product for a long time but so far it is serving the purpose and more. Our kid most certainly loves it. Very good for the money. I honestly love
Use for a toddler
Assembling any furniture is not easy. The bottom bunk is small, so we have our toddler there, so she doesnt have to climb or get hurt. I can sit up right under there. Top is y older daughter. It is very sturdy, and no toys or junk can go underneath it. Its a pian getting sheets on the bottom but thats because our mattress is a little thick and Im 8 months pregnant. Good Quality for Cost
Takes awhile to assemble but wow is it sturdy and top end material. The finish is flawless, directions were accurate and my kids love it. We all love it!
Pretty good overall 3.5 stars out of 5
Easy assembly, it took me and my friend 2 hours to assemble. Make sure that when your assembling you have the right parts in the exact spot bc ladder placement. We accidentally switched the two bottom side rails and had to quickly switch them around once we noticed. As others have noted this product does have an awful smell that lingers, weve had this product set up for 3 days and i can still smell it upon entering the room even w the windows open. After assembly I got on the top bunk to do a safety test to make sure it was sturdy before my kids used it. Although it did hold me just fine while lying down ( 170lbs) , when I got on the bed the pressure from me mounting the bed in a kneeling position caused the slat underneath me to make some sketchy cracking noise. As others have noted I added an extra set of slats to the top bunk. I had them from our old bed, but if your buying this I suggest ordering an extra set of slats and doubling up top. Lastly, the side rails of the bed have weirdly sharp edges. The entire bed actually had sharp edges. I wish they were more rounded edges on the wood pieces. My 4 y/o can get up using the awkward ladder just fine, and I love that I can kiss her goodnight on the on the top bunk very easily without having to climb it Super easy to assemble and so worth the money!
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