The sofa arrived super fast, super easy to assemble and the sellers are incredibly responsive and helpful. Customer service is definitely five stars! It is sturdy and looks beautiful
I really like our couch. Its very stylish but its too hard for my taste. We hope that it gets softer as we continue to use it. We didnt have any issues assembling it. Went together easily
Prior to purchasing, I read the reviews and watched the video several times. The couch arrived in 3 separate boxes on different days. There were no damages or missing pieces. The instructions were more of a diagram and was challenging to put together. The most challenging task was attaching the armrest to both sides. We finally figured it after several attempts. The seat cushions are not the thickest but it is tolerable. I use this set in my office and it adds flavor to my space. The pictures do no justice for the actual furniture. Ive only had it a few weeks and hope it holds up. Give it a try and you will like it! I love it.
The product comes in three packages and in our case the tracking stopped with the first two packages. The customer service was quick, responsive and professional and corrected the issue right away. I was not expecting the attention from an online retailer. The furniture is not high end but was perfect for the den. It looks nice
I rarely write reviews so you have to know I am more than pleased and here is my honest review: I was a bit concerned when I saw a few comments about difficulty in putting it together. To address that, I am 50 yrs old and put it together by myself and didnt need the instructions, I dont think it could be any easier. It is absolutely beautiful and I love the storage (which by the way opens easily and stays open so you dont have to hold it open when getting things in or out). It is a little firm which I prefer when sitting and with that said I have pulled out the bed and have slept on it a few times and slept comably and well! Also, I received 2 packages and panicked so I sent an email and this seller was so responsive in letting me know this can be the case and just give it a couple days. Sure enough 2 days later it was set up and I am very happy! Modern, comfortable and great value
I am very pleased with this couch. It is very nice piece of furniture. Looks just like the picture. The sellers are very responsive to your questions. It is very heavy and comes in three separate boxes and may not all come the same day. I would buy from this seller again. It is beautiful and functional.
EXCELLENT Customer Service, quick and reliable!!
The sectional sleeper is beautiful and sturdy. Easy to assemble This is the kind of company you want to deal with. Overall, great value for the price.
Great Couch!
Very happy with the couch! very sturdy and stylish
Excellent customer service/product
The sofa arrived super fast, super easy to assemble and the sellers are incredibly responsive and helpful. Customer service is definitely five stars! It is sturdy and looks beautiful
Super cute but hard
I really like our couch. Its very stylish but its too hard for my taste. We hope that it gets softer as we continue to use it. We didnt have any issues assembling it. Went together easily
Not as soft as I thought it would be
It looks great in the house I ordered a rug and some slip covers and made it home not happy at all
Nice but
Prior to purchasing, I read the reviews and watched the video several times. The couch arrived in 3 separate boxes on different days. There were no damages or missing pieces. The instructions were more of a diagram and was challenging to put together. The most challenging task was attaching the armrest to both sides. We finally figured it after several attempts. The seat cushions are not the thickest but it is tolerable. I use this set in my office and it adds flavor to my space. The pictures do no justice for the actual furniture. Ive only had it a few weeks and hope it holds up. Give it a try and you will like it! I love it.
Responsive customer service
The product comes in three packages and in our case the tracking stopped with the first two packages. The customer service was quick, responsive and professional and corrected the issue right away. I was not expecting the attention from an online retailer. The furniture is not high end but was perfect for the den. It looks nice
Easy to assemble, com. Value for money I Would definitely buy again
I couldnt be happier with this purchase!
I rarely write reviews so you have to know I am more than pleased and here is my honest review: I was a bit concerned when I saw a few comments about difficulty in putting it together. To address that, I am 50 yrs old and put it together by myself and didnt need the instructions, I dont think it could be any easier. It is absolutely beautiful and I love the storage (which by the way opens easily and stays open so you dont have to hold it open when getting things in or out). It is a little firm which I prefer when sitting and with that said I have pulled out the bed and have slept on it a few times and slept comably and well! Also, I received 2 packages and panicked so I sent an email and this seller was so responsive in letting me know this can be the case and just give it a couple days. Sure enough 2 days later it was set up and I am very happy! Modern, comfortable and great value
Great Couch.
I am very pleased with this couch. It is very nice piece of furniture. Looks just like the picture. The sellers are very responsive to your questions. It is very heavy and comes in three separate boxes and may not all come the same day. I would buy from this seller again. It is beautiful and functional.
EXCELLENT customer Service!!
EXCELLENT Customer Service, quick and reliable!! The sectional sleeper is beautiful and sturdy. Easy to assemble This is the kind of company you want to deal with. Overall, great value for the price.
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