I have had this bed for nearly two months now and the quality is very nice. The paint is not chipping or budging whatsoever. It took about two hours to assemble, very simple instructions. It is very sturdy and good for its price. It does make noise when you move around though but thats about only negative. Just follow the instructions and youll be fine!!
It was fairly easy to put together and very sturdy! I love how its high off of the ground and my daughter takes advantage of the extra space under her bed. The stylish headboard compliments the room. I recommended to a friend and she decided to purchase for her daughter also. Very well built
My old bed frame was super bulky and didnt fit well into my small space. This is the perfect size and can be moved very easily. I love the design and it is perfect for my needs. Assembly was a bit rough. The directions were pretty simple but the last two steps kind of hurt my brain. Haha. Highly suggest this buy. Love this! Did not disappoint
Under the bed storage measurements are definitely off. It seems smaller than what I was expecting. It is sturdy enough. It came missing one nut for a bolt for some reason but I was able to find one in the house to work. I paired this frame with a memory foam mattress and my daughter does like it. I feel though this more of a piece for a adolescent child. Will probably upgrade once she becomes a teen but for now, this will suit my 8 year old. You wont regret it!
Bought this for our kiddo she loves it! It was so easy to assemble, it took maybe 25 minutes. Its sturdy and the size is perfect for our apartment. Only issue we had was that the mattress did slide around but we just pushed the bed against a wall and problem solved! Its a very nice pink color which my daughter loves! Nothing is loose or wobbly! Definitely recommend! Good Quality for Cost
Nice bed very comfortable, but you need to work on the illustrations for directions and labeling your parts and not to mention SEPARATE YOUR PARTS INTO INDIVIDUAL BAGS!! Pay attention to the pictures!
As described
Works for our daughter. Very happy with product
Great for the price I am very pleased so far
Very nice for something from
I have had this bed for nearly two months now and the quality is very nice. The paint is not chipping or budging whatsoever. It took about two hours to assemble, very simple instructions. It is very sturdy and good for its price. It does make noise when you move around though but thats about only negative. Just follow the instructions and youll be fine!!
My child loves it!
It was fairly easy to put together and very sturdy! I love how its high off of the ground and my daughter takes advantage of the extra space under her bed. The stylish headboard compliments the room. I recommended to a friend and she decided to purchase for her daughter also. Very well built
My son loves the bed
That it was easy to put together We love it
I love this!
My old bed frame was super bulky and didnt fit well into my small space. This is the perfect size and can be moved very easily. I love the design and it is perfect for my needs. Assembly was a bit rough. The directions were pretty simple but the last two steps kind of hurt my brain. Haha. Highly suggest this buy. Love this! Did not disappoint
Sturdy enough
Under the bed storage measurements are definitely off. It seems smaller than what I was expecting. It is sturdy enough. It came missing one nut for a bolt for some reason but I was able to find one in the house to work. I paired this frame with a memory foam mattress and my daughter does like it. I feel though this more of a piece for a adolescent child. Will probably upgrade once she becomes a teen but for now, this will suit my 8 year old. You wont regret it!
Cute Little Bed!
Bought this for our kiddo she loves it! It was so easy to assemble, it took maybe 25 minutes. Its sturdy and the size is perfect for our apartment. Only issue we had was that the mattress did slide around but we just pushed the bed against a wall and problem solved! Its a very nice pink color which my daughter loves! Nothing is loose or wobbly! Definitely recommend! Good Quality for Cost
Terrible packaging!!!
Nice bed very comfortable, but you need to work on the illustrations for directions and labeling your parts and not to mention SEPARATE YOUR PARTS INTO INDIVIDUAL BAGS!! Pay attention to the pictures!
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