The instructions are kind of vague which was extremely frustrating at first, but then you realize its kind of intuitive. If someone like me can assemble it, you can too. Its also very sturdy.
This was super easy to build and I did this all on my own. Its pretty sturdy and I love the fact that it has base support. Only thing I found was that it seems smaller than a king. I bought a box spring and a mattress and they both sit overlapping this frame. It causes them both to shift at times.
Alright so this can be accounted for as a honest review. My wife and I were looking for something aesthetically pleasing and this bed frame just does that. Its simple, clean, but a little unsturdy but overall a great frame. Easy to build, took me 30 minutes , and super easy if you have a drill. Definitely would recommend anyone to get this for the price.
Looks great
It was exactly as described and not difficult to put together
Very Sturdy
Ive had my frame for 1 year now and its very sturdy. No squeaky sounds etc. Definitely a great purchase.
The instructions are kind of vague which was extremely frustrating at first, but then you realize its kind of intuitive. If someone like me can assemble it, you can too. Its also very sturdy.
Seems smaller than a king
This was super easy to build and I did this all on my own. Its pretty sturdy and I love the fact that it has base support. Only thing I found was that it seems smaller than a king. I bought a box spring and a mattress and they both sit overlapping this frame. It causes them both to shift at times.
Definitely would recommend to anyone for the price
Alright so this can be accounted for as a honest review. My wife and I were looking for something aesthetically pleasing and this bed frame just does that. Its simple, clean, but a little unsturdy but overall a great frame. Easy to build, took me 30 minutes , and super easy if you have a drill. Definitely would recommend anyone to get this for the price.
Very easy to put together. Very stylish. Very sturdy!
Love how easy it was to out it together. It doesnt look cheap, height is perfect
Easy to assemble!
Easy assemble, did it by myself!
Love This Bed Frame
I was a little skeptical on buying a Bed Frame but glad I did. Super easy to assemble, sturdy and fashionable.
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