They provided the tools I needed and it only took 3 hours to assemble. It was fun to build and everything went smoothly and not a problem to put it together. I will buy more products from this company. Perfect size and color for my needs.
really dont know anything about this, grand daughters wanted one like they had before so I returned it. no hassle returning it though Would definitely buy again!
Got this bunk bed for my two boys and its great very sturdy took about two hours to assemble it took two of us to put the whole thing together, but all in all it was a great buy very happy with the bunk bed and it was very affordable. SO happy!
Easy to Assemble
They provided the tools I needed and it only took 3 hours to assemble. It was fun to build and everything went smoothly and not a problem to put it together. I will buy more products from this company. Perfect size and color for my needs.
Bunk bed greatness
Overall great buy. The Kids, love their bunk bed. I love it!!
really dont know anything about this, grand daughters wanted one like they had before so I returned it. no hassle returning it though Would definitely buy again!
Good gift
I got this as a gift for my sisters grandkids, they seem to like it. very reasonably priced as well.
I bought these beds for my boys Cute and comfortable
Good bed for the price
Great bed for the price! Love, love, love it!
Just what we needed
Rocks a bit but perfect for kiddos. it is very pretty.
Great product
For the price for this product it was very well worth it I was very excited to receive!
My kids love it Very stylish and great quality!
Very sturdy for two little boys!
Got this bunk bed for my two boys and its great very sturdy took about two hours to assemble it took two of us to put the whole thing together, but all in all it was a great buy very happy with the bunk bed and it was very affordable. SO happy!
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