It came earlier than promised and in good package(fedex). There were small imperfections like paint scratches not major. Took about 45 mins to assemble. Overall a good product. Instructions could be better. Super easy to assemble and so worth the money!
Its a very nice bench however its best used for smaller shoes. It was always very challenging to assemble and the directions werent that great. We also had to use our own screws for one of the hinges bc the ones that came with it was too small and kept falling out every time we closed the top. Functional design
Item looks better than it shows on the picture. It is exactly as I expected and Im really satisfied except there was a flaw on the front side. I msged seller and they replied fast with reimbursement. Good product good service willing to buy another product of this company later Very cute, looks just like the pictures.
If you have experience with this type of furniture assembly, you should be fine. The instructions are fairly limited, so just pay attention to the pieces and the direction they face. The little plastic feet for the bottom are cheap, uneven, and bend easily. Probably better to get some stick on pads instead. Comfortable and high quality!
I bought this for my entryway so my family can stop at the front door and remove their shoes. The bench is very sturdy and I love the fact that the shoes are neat and organized and NOT laying in front of the door. The top opens and since we live in Florida we use that space for all of our Flip Flops! It has a nice padded top so if you need to sit for a bit to put on your sneakers, its comfortable. All in all a great purchase! ALL GOOD!
Good shoe storage
It came earlier than promised and in good package(fedex). There were small imperfections like paint scratches not major. Took about 45 mins to assemble. Overall a good product. Instructions could be better. Super easy to assemble and so worth the money!
Good bench, challenging to assemble
Its a very nice bench however its best used for smaller shoes. It was always very challenging to assemble and the directions werent that great. We also had to use our own screws for one of the hinges bc the ones that came with it was too small and kept falling out every time we closed the top. Functional design
It does the job.
It might not last long but it does the job. Size is small so it works great for kids bedroom. Good and inexpensive
Great buy for our mudroom I like this one.
Item looks better than it shows on the picture. It is exactly as I expected and Im really satisfied except there was a flaw on the front side. I msged seller and they replied fast with reimbursement. Good product good service willing to buy another product of this company later Very cute, looks just like the pictures.
It was easy to assemble, the bench is well made and I think its durable, LOVE it . Just as pictured very happy with my purchase.
very nice
We love it very sturdy and nice color easy to put together Style and purpose
Looks nice, multifunctional storage, easy to assemble. Decent for the price
Sturdy addition to the patio
If you have experience with this type of furniture assembly, you should be fine. The instructions are fairly limited, so just pay attention to the pieces and the direction they face. The little plastic feet for the bottom are cheap, uneven, and bend easily. Probably better to get some stick on pads instead. Comfortable and high quality!
Great Little Bench!
I bought this for my entryway so my family can stop at the front door and remove their shoes. The bench is very sturdy and I love the fact that the shoes are neat and organized and NOT laying in front of the door. The top opens and since we live in Florida we use that space for all of our Flip Flops! It has a nice padded top so if you need to sit for a bit to put on your sneakers, its comfortable. All in all a great purchase! ALL GOOD!
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