This is a nice and steady I over 200 lbs. and sleep in this bed every night. Florence Twin Daybed and Trundle Frame Set. This is only the frame, you have to purchase your mattress. Functional design
Instructions were easy to follow, but it is a lot of steps to put together. Part of the frame was bent and did not go together without using separate tools to reshape the part into a circle so it would assemble. I was actually pretty disappointed.
Sturdy and extremely easy to put together. Great value for the price. Just know if you have a thicker mattress the sides end up being about level with the mattress but still great Style and purpose
My grandchildren are so excited that they now have their own room with their own bed! Best delivery service and white glove assemble ever! Comfortable and high quality!
Great Florence Twin Daybed and Trundle Frame Set
This is a nice and steady I over 200 lbs. and sleep in this bed every night. Florence Twin Daybed and Trundle Frame Set. This is only the frame, you have to purchase your mattress. Functional design
Great value
Sturdy and easy to assemble Good and inexpensive
Good for the buck
All the pieces were here assembled with no issues my children love it ! I like this one.
Well put together!
Easy to assemble and does what it should do. Very cute, looks just like the pictures.
Twin daybed
Instructions were easy to follow, but it is a lot of steps to put together. Part of the frame was bent and did not go together without using separate tools to reshape the part into a circle so it would assemble. I was actually pretty disappointed.
Aming bed!
Really love this most convenient Easy to set up and spacious bed!! Just as pictured very happy with my purchase.
Surprisingly sturdy
Sturdy and extremely easy to put together. Great value for the price. Just know if you have a thicker mattress the sides end up being about level with the mattress but still great Style and purpose
No complaints
Arrived as promised. Fairly straightforward assembly. Sturdy. I am using for a toddler but I think it would do well for anyone. Decent for the price
Love this bed!!
My grandchildren are so excited that they now have their own room with their own bed! Best delivery service and white glove assemble ever! Comfortable and high quality!
So pretty!
So pretty and both beds are sturdy and comfy! ALL GOOD!
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