I gave this 4 Stars because one of the boards split when assembled. Can happen to any wood product. Otherwise this bed is great. Good but could be better
Easy and fast assembly. In addition to the striped screwdriver (the screwdriver on the cross), it also provides all the necessary blood. Really happy!!
I bought this for my 2 year old grandson for his Moms house. He loves it and is now sleeping in his big boy bed and not with Mom. Its very sturdy, especially for an active 2 year old that tosses and turns all night. The color is a perfect match with the rest of his furniture. This is a cute design,
Very easy to assemble. It was exactly as the picture when I ordered it. Even had a small bag of extra hardware which was a plus as my grandson was trying to help put it together. Love the finished product!!
I like that the toddlers bed is made good I use it for my toddlers to sleep on This product was exactly what I was hoping for
Great Toddler Bed
I gave this 4 Stars because one of the boards split when assembled. Can happen to any wood product. Otherwise this bed is great. Good but could be better
Highly recommended
The bed is really cute and steady, absolutely really easy to asamblea. We love it! Absolutely awesome product!!
Easy to assemble.
Easy and fast assembly. In addition to the striped screwdriver (the screwdriver on the cross), it also provides all the necessary blood. Really happy!!
Good product
It's easy to assemble if you follow the instructions. I even tried to lie down, jump up and fight. Great discovery!!
Son loves it
He actually sleeps in his own bed This was definitely a good choice.
Beautiful bed
I bought this for my 2 year old grandson for his Moms house. He loves it and is now sleeping in his big boy bed and not with Mom. Its very sturdy, especially for an active 2 year old that tosses and turns all night. The color is a perfect match with the rest of his furniture. This is a cute design,
It was easy to assemble. Pretty sturdy, my son jumps on and off of it. Dont over think it, youll love it!!
My granddaughters loved the beds. They are 3 yr old twins.
I loved these beds. They are sturdy and adorable. Better than the picture!
Easy assembly
Very easy to assemble. It was exactly as the picture when I ordered it. Even had a small bag of extra hardware which was a plus as my grandson was trying to help put it together. Love the finished product!!
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