My daughter (12) loves this chair. She has basically been living in it since we got it. Its simple to open up. Pops open right out of the box. It has a standard button/type lock, which might be tricky for kids to do by themselves. Its only necessary to use that mechanism if you want to fold it up for storage.
It seems quite sturdy. I selected this item, in particular, because of the higher weight limit compared to other similar folding chairs. It looks nicejust like the pic. Probably should have a cover if kids will be using it, as the cushion isnt washable. It is a little more expensive than another similar chair I bought for my son, without much difference in quality. Overall, Im satisfied with the chair and it is just as I expected.
Perfect for my daughters room! Super soft and comfy. My only complaint is that when I sit in it I wish there was more padding along the bottom as the bar hits under my legs, but my daughter said it doesnt bother her. The rest of the chair is super padded and comfortable!
I love this chair. I had it for one year. I was sitting on it went up to get a drink and when i came back to sit it broke and i fell with it. A screw had broken, causing part of the frame to bend making it unrepairable.
A hit with the kids!
My daughter (12) loves this chair. She has basically been living in it since we got it. Its simple to open up. Pops open right out of the box. It has a standard button/type lock, which might be tricky for kids to do by themselves. Its only necessary to use that mechanism if you want to fold it up for storage. It seems quite sturdy. I selected this item, in particular, because of the higher weight limit compared to other similar folding chairs. It looks nicejust like the pic. Probably should have a cover if kids will be using it, as the cushion isnt washable. It is a little more expensive than another similar chair I bought for my son, without much difference in quality. Overall, Im satisfied with the chair and it is just as I expected.
Much better than expected!
LOVE this chair. For the price, wasnt expecting much, but its much more sturdy than I expected, and is really comfortable and soft.
Very comfortable!
Perfect for my daughters room! Super soft and comfy. My only complaint is that when I sit in it I wish there was more padding along the bottom as the bar hits under my legs, but my daughter said it doesnt bother her. The rest of the chair is super padded and comfortable!
Easy to set up
As described. Great color. Easy to set up. Looks great in my daughters room.
Provides a lot of space
Very big and soft
Beautiful and soft chair.
Super comfortable. Very happy with this purchase.
Big and soft
Its big, comfortable and the material its very soft, cozy
As advertised, would purchase again.
Works in our small space. Out of the way when not in use. Comfy, sturdy, works for an average size adult. Looks better than most chairs this style.
Comfy. Lasted exactly 1 year.
I love this chair. I had it for one year. I was sitting on it went up to get a drink and when i came back to sit it broke and i fell with it. A screw had broken, causing part of the frame to bend making it unrepairable.
Size doesnt match up
Bought 2 but one larger than other and frames are different,picture shows them to be the same
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