I have bought three of these. On one occasion I had to send it back because one leg was 14 in compared to three which were 16 in. Otherwise, a very good experience for a sturdy and simple unit.
This came quickly and was so easy to assemble. It feels extremely sturdy for the Cal hybrid mattress we are using with . There is plenty of room underneath for storage. This apartment and bedroom is pretty small so we needed to utilize every space we could. So far, so good! No complaints, not squea. I would recommend.
The instructions were easy to understand, however the holes and pieces didnt exactly line up flush, so there was a bit of banging and bending things into place. Now that its together I love it.
It was pricey considering how simple it is, but beyond that Im pleased. It doesnt squeak or jiggle, theres a huge amount of storage space under it, and I put it together by myself, without wa up anyone in the house, in under an hour. I am really, wholly relieved that this was so easy and actually looks great in my room.
We bought almost 2 months ago. Dreaded putting it together with all the pieces. Definitely not from ! Went together relatively well, but a few pieces were damaged in shipping, and several were not labeled at all which made assembly harder. One of the pieces had holes that were not used letter F pictured (no holes in the instructions for F). Very confusing. See photos. are sturdy and do not give, so a softer mattress is probably better to purchase with this. We bought a foam topper mattress and it ended up being more firm that being on the floor even.
The bed is super sturdy, I was able to get rid of my box springs and the bed is so high, it looks like I still have box springs. Im not complaining, thats what I wanted for all of the under storage. I have A LOT. So this bed is perfect. And tested it out last night, it is pretty quiet. Wink wink.
No more scarring the children with this bed.
Also, its super easy to put together.
Im not sure but I think my bed is more comfortable without the box springs. Like I usually toss and turn in bed and I woke up with my phone on my chest, I fell asleep playing sudokuI didnt move at all. So something is definitely right here.
Great quality and workmanship for price
I have bought three of these. On one occasion I had to send it back because one leg was 14 in compared to three which were 16 in. Otherwise, a very good experience for a sturdy and simple unit.
Sturdy, easy to assemble
This came quickly and was so easy to assemble. It feels extremely sturdy for the Cal hybrid mattress we are using with . There is plenty of room underneath for storage. This apartment and bedroom is pretty small so we needed to utilize every space we could. So far, so good! No complaints, not squea. I would recommend.
Sturdy Quiet!
We got the size, so far great frame no problems! Easy assembly, took my husband less than and hour to put together.
Small issues with assembly but still a great item for a great price.
The instructions were easy to understand, however the holes and pieces didnt exactly line up flush, so there was a bit of banging and bending things into place. Now that its together I love it.
Excellent base for support sleeping.
Is a solid bed, exactly what I wanted.
No complaints
It was pricey considering how simple it is, but beyond that Im pleased. It doesnt squeak or jiggle, theres a huge amount of storage space under it, and I put it together by myself, without wa up anyone in the house, in under an hour. I am really, wholly relieved that this was so easy and actually looks great in my room.
Lots of pieces, but pretty good product.
We bought almost 2 months ago. Dreaded putting it together with all the pieces. Definitely not from ! Went together relatively well, but a few pieces were damaged in shipping, and several were not labeled at all which made assembly harder. One of the pieces had holes that were not used letter F pictured (no holes in the instructions for F). Very confusing. See photos. are sturdy and do not give, so a softer mattress is probably better to purchase with this. We bought a foam topper mattress and it ended up being more firm that being on the floor even.
Like described
Very sturdy and easy to assemble.
Worth every penny.
The bed is super sturdy, I was able to get rid of my box springs and the bed is so high, it looks like I still have box springs. Im not complaining, thats what I wanted for all of the under storage. I have A LOT. So this bed is perfect. And tested it out last night, it is pretty quiet. Wink wink. No more scarring the children with this bed. Also, its super easy to put together. Im not sure but I think my bed is more comfortable without the box springs. Like I usually toss and turn in bed and I woke up with my phone on my chest, I fell asleep playing sudokuI didnt move at all. So something is definitely right here.
Bed is super easy to ensemble and its easy to move, fits perfect in thr room
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