So my grandson has been wanting a trampoline for a long time so we’ve been looking around and found this trampoline. It’s a great trampoline however, we had to do some work to get it together.
So happy to buy a new Tranpoline and replace my old small one. The instructions were very easy to follow, all parts include. I love that the net is able to be secured inside of the springs instead of outsid, very safe for my 12 years old boy
Super Sturdy
We have now had this trampoline for about 2 month now and it seems pretty sturdy. Arrived earlier than expected and it came with all required pieces.
My son loves it
What a great surprise for my kids. This trampoline is awesome! The company was awesome with replacing parts and easy to work with.
perfect for what it is!
My sons wanted a trampoline but they're getting older so didn't want to spend too much. this one is sturdy and decent size and cheap!
Nice trampoline
We bought this for our sons birthday and we’re so happy we did! It took 2.3 adults less than an hour to assemble it.
Kids loved it
Some quality issues after a while. But it`s still a good purchase due to package
One excited babies
My son are excited and I know the adults as well. He said the size is great.
We purchased this last month and love the 10ft for our 12 and 10 yr old. It’s great quality and was put up with 2-3 people in about 2 hour.
Buyers beware
So my grandson has been wanting a trampoline for a long time so we’ve been looking around and found this trampoline. It’s a great trampoline however, we had to do some work to get it together.
Kids are very pleased
Very durable trampoline that fits my 3 kids ages 10, 11 and 12. The older two are boys and I am confident that this trampoline will hold up.
Extra heavy duty!
So happy to buy a new Tranpoline and replace my old small one. The instructions were very easy to follow, all parts include. I love that the net is able to be secured inside of the springs instead of outsid, very safe for my 12 years old boy
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