Reasonably easy to assemble and disassemble and packs into the headboard for ease of moving. Doesnt wobble. The fabric has even been standing up well to my two cats. Good purchase at a good price.
One of the base bars is missing a while for the screw so it will not properly connect to the rest of the bed, but it has not affected sleeping or using the bed.
My husband put this together all by himself in an hour or so. The bed is sturdy (no moving or squeaking) and makes my mattress feel firmer than with the previous frame. Absolutely love it! My only gripe is the same as everyone else's, which is that the frame is a couple of inches wider than the mattress so there's a visible gap. Not a big deal for me. Love the headboard because it's wide enough for me to place my phone or a book on.
Easy assembly and quality!
It was really easy to put together! I was able to assemble it by myself in an hour! Very sturdy and looks great!
Easy to assemble on my own
Absolutely love it !
Reasonably easy to assemble and disassemble and packs into the headboard for ease of moving. Doesnt wobble. The fabric has even been standing up well to my two cats. Good purchase at a good price.
Exactly what we wanted
Exactly what we expected.
Great value, but not really cream colored
Really nice bed for the money but it's definitely more of a grayish brown than a true cream.
Nice first bed
One of the base bars is missing a while for the screw so it will not properly connect to the rest of the bed, but it has not affected sleeping or using the bed.
Pretty bed!
Easy to assemble, and really nice looking. Its super squeaky, though!
Excellent quality!
The bed looks great! Very solid construction. Easy to assemble. Love the low profile headboard. Highly recommend!
headboard leg broke during assembly
Arrived fast and in one box. Easy to assemble but the headboard legs are kind of cheap and one broke. Other than that we love it!
Super cheap but elegant!
My husband put this together all by himself in an hour or so. The bed is sturdy (no moving or squeaking) and makes my mattress feel firmer than with the previous frame. Absolutely love it! My only gripe is the same as everyone else's, which is that the frame is a couple of inches wider than the mattress so there's a visible gap. Not a big deal for me. Love the headboard because it's wide enough for me to place my phone or a book on.
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