This took a bit more muscle than expected to assemble - it is not a one person job. In fact there was one screw that just wouldnt go in, so we had to leave it out. That said, the piece is sturdy and looks very good. My suggestion would be to opt for the pre-assembly.
Table seems sturdy and good size. Delivery of product showed a few scratches to the top. Also on the side of the top. Had to use some sharpies to clean up. Overall its a good table but did come with many scratch defects.
The table is heavily dented though the box is intact, the leg chairs arent aligned to the holes so its not balanced and wiggles when u sit down. Too troublesome and too heavy to return. Its a total wast of money considering its not a cheap item. I dont recommend buying items like these online.
Table was delivered but had damage on one corner and another scratch. I dont want to take it all apart including the chairs we spend quite a bit of time putting together. We just need a new top for the table. Emails and calls have been made but no help!
I received the product with a broken piece, shown in the picture. gave me a number to a credit card service, put me into contact with 2 different departments only to eventually be given an email to send a bunch of info to, they responded quickly with the website you can order replacement parts, but my part wasnt listed, so I called the number the parts website listed and it turns out this isnt a replaceable part... So now I have to repackage and send the entire thing back?! Im crying... How could I possibly do that.... It weighs hundreds of pounds and most of the packaging has been broken down. Im at a complete loss here.
Not easy to assemble but once assembled quite sturdy
This took a bit more muscle than expected to assemble - it is not a one person job. In fact there was one screw that just wouldnt go in, so we had to leave it out. That said, the piece is sturdy and looks very good. My suggestion would be to opt for the pre-assembly.
Great dining room set at a great price
Got this on sale at a very good price. Put it together in about an hour. Looks and functions as advertised.
Dining Room Table
Table seems sturdy and good size. Delivery of product showed a few scratches to the top. Also on the side of the top. Had to use some sharpies to clean up. Overall its a good table but did come with many scratch defects.
absolutely Awesome !
BUY IT ! such a Nice set ! No issues putting it together,, LOVE IT !
Love this
I love my table and the customer service was amazing! Its perfect.
Perfect Size
Easily to symbol. Color great. Easily seats 4 spacious .
Waste of money
The table is heavily dented though the box is intact, the leg chairs arent aligned to the holes so its not balanced and wiggles when u sit down. Too troublesome and too heavy to return. Its a total wast of money considering its not a cheap item. I dont recommend buying items like these online.
Damaged and no help!
Table was delivered but had damage on one corner and another scratch. I dont want to take it all apart including the chairs we spend quite a bit of time putting together. We just need a new top for the table. Emails and calls have been made but no help!
I received the product with a broken piece, shown in the picture. gave me a number to a credit card service, put me into contact with 2 different departments only to eventually be given an email to send a bunch of info to, they responded quickly with the website you can order replacement parts, but my part wasnt listed, so I called the number the parts website listed and it turns out this isnt a replaceable part... So now I have to repackage and send the entire thing back?! Im crying... How could I possibly do that.... It weighs hundreds of pounds and most of the packaging has been broken down. Im at a complete loss here.
Great value
Great table for the price. Highly recommend
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