This end table was easy to assemble with clear instructions. It is very sturdy and looks good. Having the charging station and electric outlets in it is a bonus.
Now that it is built it is a nice side table in my office but the instructions were not helpful and a piece of wood ended up breaking off in the process of trying to build it. Make sure to keep the screws really loose until the end or the top shelf area wont really fit
I originally ordered something similar on Wayfair and it was taking too long (5 months) to get so I ordered these. Im so happy I did! These fit in tight spots, is sturdy, and looks great! I would definitely recommend.
End table
Easy to assemble, took about 30 minutes
Owned it for 6 months and the USB port is not working
The USB port does not work, I hope that they can send me a new USB port
I love their look
I love them
Nice end table
This end table was easy to assemble with clear instructions. It is very sturdy and looks good. Having the charging station and electric outlets in it is a bonus.
Nicer than i expected!
Very nice looking
Excellent minimalist table!
Easy assembly, prompt delivery, excellent for organizing, good price. Bought to match hall table from same collection.
Broke while building
Now that it is built it is a nice side table in my office but the instructions were not helpful and a piece of wood ended up breaking off in the process of trying to build it. Make sure to keep the screws really loose until the end or the top shelf area wont really fit
Perfect fit!
I originally ordered something similar on Wayfair and it was taking too long (5 months) to get so I ordered these. Im so happy I did! These fit in tight spots, is sturdy, and looks great! I would definitely recommend.
Really love it
Smaller than I thought but its perfect for what I needed
Perfect size and shape, able to mount my arm for my tablet! Love it!
Love it so much, perfect fit and very suitable for my needs??
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