Instructions were so easy that it confused me but quickly assembled and ready to go in less than a hour. Probably would not support an adult sitting on it but looks sturdy enough for nice end or side table. Worth the money.
Wow, incredible! This exceeded my expectations. Packed incredibly well, and very easy to understand instructions. This is exactly what you want when ordering something like this online. Perfect quality control. Very sturdy. Doesnt knick easily. Couldnt be happier. I paid 103 in Oct 2021, and would definately buy again. Its really a great deal for a legit piece of furniture. Do it!
I needed a little side table to hold my coffee and tidy up all my charging devices and this was perfect! Looks beautiful and cleans up the space nicely. Sturdy and easy to assemble with two people.
Many parts have to be assembled in a particular orientation. Offset holes and what/not. Eventually got them assembled, but took several disassembles and reassembles
I like the table for small spaces. The chargers inside the table suck. My phone was dead when I plugged it in and it took 7 hours to get to 44. That was part of the reason I bought the table. I should have just bought a different one without USB ports and plug ins.
I wish it were slightly higher
Not as tall as I would like but functional
Just what I needed ?
Easy to put together if you follow the pictures Solid once put together and able to level if you have uneven floors
Exactly what I wanted
Instructions were so easy that it confused me but quickly assembled and ready to go in less than a hour. Probably would not support an adult sitting on it but looks sturdy enough for nice end or side table. Worth the money.
Handsome piece
Wow, incredible! This exceeded my expectations. Packed incredibly well, and very easy to understand instructions. This is exactly what you want when ordering something like this online. Perfect quality control. Very sturdy. Doesnt knick easily. Couldnt be happier. I paid 103 in Oct 2021, and would definately buy again. Its really a great deal for a legit piece of furniture. Do it!
Pretty cute
Arrived pretty fast and the instructions were also easy to understand. Didnt take long to assemble
Great side table for charging devices.
I needed a little side table to hold my coffee and tidy up all my charging devices and this was perfect! Looks beautiful and cleans up the space nicely. Sturdy and easy to assemble with two people.
Does what it says fits small space.
easy to assemble fits small space and holds a lot stuff inside and on shelves.
Lots of opportunities to re/read instructions
Many parts have to be assembled in a particular orientation. Offset holes and what/not. Eventually got them assembled, but took several disassembles and reassembles
Looks Aming
Love these tables. Even my grandkids love them, they know where the remotes are when they come over and where to place them back when done them.
USB charger doesnt last
I like the table for small spaces. The chargers inside the table suck. My phone was dead when I plugged it in and it took 7 hours to get to 44. That was part of the reason I bought the table. I should have just bought a different one without USB ports and plug ins.
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