I didnt put this together so I cant comment on how hard or easy it was to assemble. This bed is sturdy, and it came with extra screws and parts. I can move it around easily enough to put my bedding on and it all came together nicely.
When I saw all the pieces for this bed I was concerned. However once I got it all put together I was pretty impressed at how easy it was and how study this thing is. I have another baby that will get a matching one in a year or so for sure. I love this pretty day bed
2 people put together in just over an hour. Was exactly what I was looking for. Good quality product. I put a 6 foam mattress on the but could have very easily put an 8. Mostly grandkids will use this so the 6 should be fine but if you think adults will use it I would recommend an 8 for sure. We also put a very thin underlayment board under the mattresses just for support which I highly recommend doing.
Sturdy well made
Love love love this bed. Sturdy. Easy assembly
Perfect for small room.
Love how it saves on space in small room.
Good quality
Easy to put together. Real sturdy. Got two Costco mattresses.
Missing screws
Missing screws
Good quailty
I didnt put this together so I cant comment on how hard or easy it was to assemble. This bed is sturdy, and it came with extra screws and parts. I can move it around easily enough to put my bedding on and it all came together nicely.
Seriously good deal
When I saw all the pieces for this bed I was concerned. However once I got it all put together I was pretty impressed at how easy it was and how study this thing is. I have another baby that will get a matching one in a year or so for sure. I love this pretty day bed
Exactly what I was looking for
2 people put together in just over an hour. Was exactly what I was looking for. Good quality product. I put a 6 foam mattress on the but could have very easily put an 8. Mostly grandkids will use this so the 6 should be fine but if you think adults will use it I would recommend an 8 for sure. We also put a very thin underlayment board under the mattresses just for support which I highly recommend doing.
Fell apart after 3.5 years
The headboard and footboard are still in good shape but the platform/supports are completely destroyed.
I absolutely love my bed. The website didnt do justice for how this looks in person.
I am so happy I ordered this bed. Its exactly what I wanted. The set up was simple and its very sturdy. Not to mention the price. Very nice bed!!
Headboard is bent. That made paint crack.
Besides being bent this is a beautiful bed for the money. Im surprised how sturdy it is. Better packaging would have perverted the damaged bed.
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