The assembly requires at least 2 people but it is an intelligently made product with good set of instructions for assembly. The parts, nuts and bolts were well made and fit in just fine leaving a sturdy products. The packaging was also good with enough of cushion to not allow any breakage.
Very hard to put together, the color is like light pale color, definitely doesnt look like wood is just ok Ill no buy it again but very sturdy and the size is pretty great too!
Daughter I put this together ourselves! LOVE the reclaimed barnwood finish we chose! A fast favorite in our home! Definitely recommend. The long (70) but narrow footprint gives more floor space
Good product for the price
The assembly requires at least 2 people but it is an intelligently made product with good set of instructions for assembly. The parts, nuts and bolts were well made and fit in just fine leaving a sturdy products. The packaging was also good with enough of cushion to not allow any breakage.
Great Purchase
Great purchase
Good choice!
Good quality, beautiful, pretty easy to assemble
Just ok!
Very hard to put together, the color is like light pale color, definitely doesnt look like wood is just ok Ill no buy it again but very sturdy and the size is pretty great too!
Worth every penny
Love it love it love it just what I wanted
Perfect and Classy.
We get such great comments on this item. Perfect for our downsized home. Gives us the storage area that was needed in our room. Thanks ...!
Love it; narrow footprint; lots of storage! A favorite!
Daughter I put this together ourselves! LOVE the reclaimed barnwood finish we chose! A fast favorite in our home! Definitely recommend. The long (70) but narrow footprint gives more floor space
Its heavy very solid
Its a bit frustrating to assemble physically because it solid it made out of pressed wood and solid
Good as advertised
Sturdy, holds my 75 incher just fine!
Good quality for a reasonable price!
Even it was suggested two people assemble I, a 78 year old woman, was able to do it alone!!
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