Bought this for my daughter. It was so easy to put together and is absolutely adorable. Very sturdy!! She loves it so much and feel like a princess! I also purchased the canopy off of as well.
Bought bed for 6 y/o girl. We moved and this was to help make the transition easier (for us/parents) and hopefully not afraid in a new place so she would sleep in her own room. She does. I put it together w her help holding steady a rod so I can screw it in. Didnt need her help but she felt included and good about her new bed. Im nearly 50 y/o, 125lbs, 55. Husband wouldve gotten in my way putting it together. Hahaha. Bed is still in one piece, going on 3 months.
This was so easy to put together they give you extra screws and all. I love the way the bars you put in are extra secured and then a clip lock on top so it does not move around. NO SOUND AT ALL, you know when you turn in a metal frame you hear that squeak and the moving and nothing like that at all. We wrapped lights all around it and ordered a curtain to go around it! SO BEAUTIFUL! You will not be disappointed. We got the pink one.
Super easy to put together. The bars seem like it would be easy to bend. If she pulls or hangs anything like that on the canopy bar it would definitely break. But I just made it known to her that it will get ruined if she does that months later still in perfect shape. I would buy again. Its so adorable
This bed Is sturdy and super cute! It was easy to assemble and my two year old loves to sleep in it!
Took less than 20 minutes to assemble
Bought this for my daughter. It was so easy to put together and is absolutely adorable. Very sturdy!! She loves it so much and feel like a princess! I also purchased the canopy off of as well.
Metal bed
Its very beautiful ? I love it
Mom put this together by herself!
Bought bed for 6 y/o girl. We moved and this was to help make the transition easier (for us/parents) and hopefully not afraid in a new place so she would sleep in her own room. She does. I put it together w her help holding steady a rod so I can screw it in. Didnt need her help but she felt included and good about her new bed. Im nearly 50 y/o, 125lbs, 55. Husband wouldve gotten in my way putting it together. Hahaha. Bed is still in one piece, going on 3 months.
Very sturdy
Very good for my 8 year old daughter
Sturdy and Beautiful!
This was so easy to put together they give you extra screws and all. I love the way the bars you put in are extra secured and then a clip lock on top so it does not move around. NO SOUND AT ALL, you know when you turn in a metal frame you hear that squeak and the moving and nothing like that at all. We wrapped lights all around it and ordered a curtain to go around it! SO BEAUTIFUL! You will not be disappointed. We got the pink one.
The bed was easy to assemble and its perfect for any little girls room!
Perfect princess bed
Super easy to put together. The bars seem like it would be easy to bend. If she pulls or hangs anything like that on the canopy bar it would definitely break. But I just made it known to her that it will get ruined if she does that months later still in perfect shape. I would buy again. Its so adorable
Perfect for a Princess
Beautiful bed and very sturdy. My 11 year old piles in there with her siblings and cousin and it seems to hold up no problem. Perfect for a princess.
Great gurls bed
So sturdy my daughter loves this bed and people who have seen it also love it .
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