This fit our needs perfectly! It is just the right size for our entry way, quite easy to assemble (took about 30 minutes by myself, likely would have been even faster with another set of hands), and has a beautiful matte finish. Solid quality, especially when considering the very reasonable price.
LOVE this product only downfall was the knobs that came with it were stripped already and we couldnt use them! I ended up buying some at the store and it was easy enough to assemble that my 9 year old daughter helped me
Needed a narrow entry table. This one does the trick and color matches our floor. It is not the most stable but does the job (as expected from reading other reviews). Dimensions wise it would be better if it was a few inches higher but not a deal breaker. Easy assembly though it really would behoove the company to actually have holes for the tabletop screws already drilled.
All in all, as expected. Not spectacular but decent enough and okay value for the price.
It arrived earlier than expected in great shape it was very easy to put together except the drawer was a little miss behaved but we got it figured out in no time its very sturdy and looks very expensive for the price very happy with it even my husband complimented on it thats a yes for sure
Very nice piece
This fit our needs perfectly! It is just the right size for our entry way, quite easy to assemble (took about 30 minutes by myself, likely would have been even faster with another set of hands), and has a beautiful matte finish. Solid quality, especially when considering the very reasonable price.
Purchased as a gift
The second party delivery was easy. I am told the person appreciates the gift.
Ok for money spent
Not easy to assemble
Very Sturdy, Attractive and Functional
Just what I wanted. Fits nicely in my entryway and very sturdy and functional.
Perfect size!
Weve basically furnished our apartment with items from this brand lol. Putting it together was straight/forward and quick. Love it!
You will have so much fun.not
Looks great Directions suck.not sure whats worst going to the dentist or butting this I know the dentist is less painful.
The knows were stripped
LOVE this product only downfall was the knobs that came with it were stripped already and we couldnt use them! I ended up buying some at the store and it was easy enough to assemble that my 9 year old daughter helped me
I LOVE this table!
This is the cutest little accent/sofa table
Does the job, looks decent, just a bit wobbly
Needed a narrow entry table. This one does the trick and color matches our floor. It is not the most stable but does the job (as expected from reading other reviews). Dimensions wise it would be better if it was a few inches higher but not a deal breaker. Easy assembly though it really would behoove the company to actually have holes for the tabletop screws already drilled. All in all, as expected. Not spectacular but decent enough and okay value for the price.
Looks very nice
It arrived earlier than expected in great shape it was very easy to put together except the drawer was a little miss behaved but we got it figured out in no time its very sturdy and looks very expensive for the price very happy with it even my husband complimented on it thats a yes for sure
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