Easy to assemble, sturdy and the blue pops for the cushions. Really happy with this purchase and they look great with the table we already have on our patio.
Great furniture set, but I dont understand why furniture that requires assembly does not use a different type of fastener (screw type) instead of the usual allen wrench type. Assembly would go much more quickly if it used a standard phillips screw, or even a star/type screw head. I was able to rig up a drive head that worked with my drill, so I was able to assemble this more quickly than with just using an allen wrench. Despite this assembly, the set is durable and well made, and looks good.
We had trouble getting it together at first (the screws and the holes didnt line up exactly right) but after 2 attempts and a total of four hours it was all put together and placed outside on our small balcony. The cushions are super comfortable and the chair itself feels sturdy enough that I feel safe putting my feet up on the seat with me and leaning back.
Beautiful patio set
Easy to assemble, sturdy, comfortable, and perfect for the space we wanted it.
works great
just what I needed and I was not disappointed. Very nice
Great for our patio.
Easy to assemble, sturdy and the blue pops for the cushions. Really happy with this purchase and they look great with the table we already have on our patio.
Looks nice and is sturdy
My husband put these chairs together. He did not have any trouble. They look very nice in my lanai.
Great furniture set!
Great furniture set, but I dont understand why furniture that requires assembly does not use a different type of fastener (screw type) instead of the usual allen wrench type. Assembly would go much more quickly if it used a standard phillips screw, or even a star/type screw head. I was able to rig up a drive head that worked with my drill, so I was able to assemble this more quickly than with just using an allen wrench. Despite this assembly, the set is durable and well made, and looks good.
Nice looking and comfy
Easy to assemble, holds my wight (225lbs now and 260lbs when we got them). Only had to tighten one screw so far.
Great buy
Love this set. Sturdy, well made, yet very pretty. Perfect size for small balcony or patio.
Perfect for a small patio or balcony
We had trouble getting it together at first (the screws and the holes didnt line up exactly right) but after 2 attempts and a total of four hours it was all put together and placed outside on our small balcony. The cushions are super comfortable and the chair itself feels sturdy enough that I feel safe putting my feet up on the seat with me and leaning back.
Love love love this set. Its very easy to assemble and so cute for my back porch.
Love them!
Beautiful, easy to assemble, comfy
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