I purchased this for my daughter and she loves it. It feels really sturdy. Her boyfriend is tall (6ft 5) and finds some chairs uncomfortable due because of that, but he says the chairs are really comfortable.
The set was extremely simple to put together for the most part, however, it does take some adjusting just right or else one side wont screw in all the way, etc. So, a few practice runs at tightening the legs, and it was good to go. The cushions are certainly on the thin side, so much so that the base of the chair feels underserved, but we just added another memory foam piece for a thicker seat and theyre great now. Would highly encourage you to purchase cushion covers for these chairs (also purchased on ) because the actual cushions feel like they are unfinished/need a cover when you receive them.
These were easy to assemble. Just read the instructions. They are sturdy. Comfort is a 7 out of 10. They dont rock as easy as I wish they would. The table does attract heat in the sun.
Looks great, perfect for what we wanted. But beware, if youre a larger/taller person, these may not work because the chairs are on the small side. Check the measurements and make sure they wont be too small for your body type.
Beautiful stylish chairs for a cove patio.
Beautiful stylish chairs for a cove patio. They are very comfortable, sturdy and easy to assemble.
I purchased this for my daughter and she loves it. It feels really sturdy. Her boyfriend is tall (6ft 5) and finds some chairs uncomfortable due because of that, but he says the chairs are really comfortable.
Takes some doing, but great piece for the money
The set was extremely simple to put together for the most part, however, it does take some adjusting just right or else one side wont screw in all the way, etc. So, a few practice runs at tightening the legs, and it was good to go. The cushions are certainly on the thin side, so much so that the base of the chair feels underserved, but we just added another memory foam piece for a thicker seat and theyre great now. Would highly encourage you to purchase cushion covers for these chairs (also purchased on ) because the actual cushions feel like they are unfinished/need a cover when you receive them.
Works as expected
These were easy to assemble. Just read the instructions. They are sturdy. Comfort is a 7 out of 10. They dont rock as easy as I wish they would. The table does attract heat in the sun.
Just right !
Very nice patio set for a reasonable price !
as advertized
solid constructions
I love these
We bought this set for my mother for her birthday and she loves them. They are outside and very durable.
Nice balcony furniture.
Table wobbles a bit but the chairs are nice.
Love it!
Small chairs
Looks great, perfect for what we wanted. But beware, if youre a larger/taller person, these may not work because the chairs are on the small side. Check the measurements and make sure they wont be too small for your body type.
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