It was missing a few screws but otherwise it is great. It was fairly easy to assemble. Instructions are clear. Use a ratchet- it makes assembly much easier.
I purchased this Full bed frame for my daughters bedroom in her off campus rental house at college. She, her roommate and I put it together in about an hour and it was fairly easy to assemble. One of the screws didnt quite match up with the pole holes but we left it out, seemed sturdy enough without it. Aside from that it is absolutely adorable, looks clean and modern in her bedroom, is sturdy and comfortable and she loves it!
This frame is great for the price that we got it at. The best part was that it was so easy to setup, that my wife did it all by herself when I was at work. So it only takes one person to setup!
Easy for one person to assemble, instructions were clear and simple to follow, all the holes on the parts aligned properly so the bolts were easy to put in, and the best part of putting it together is the Allen wrench they give you is a nifty ratcheting one! Makes it go much faster.
Instructions were the best Ive used recently. Looks really good, only took a star off because it uses a sticky plastic on the slats to keep the mattress from moving, but doesnt do a great job. I have to shift the mattress back into position sometimes, but other then that has plenty of clearance for storage (about 1 foot) and looks really nice
I allowed my daughter to choose a headboard for her new queen sized bed. She had a few choices and ultimately choose the bamboo. I love how sleek her room looks, good mix between teen and adult.
It was missing a few screws but otherwise it is great. It was fairly easy to assemble. Instructions are clear. Use a ratchet- it makes assembly much easier.
You should know that this is the most easily assembled piece of furniture Ive ever put together. Brilliant.
Adorable and functional
I purchased this Full bed frame for my daughters bedroom in her off campus rental house at college. She, her roommate and I put it together in about an hour and it was fairly easy to assemble. One of the screws didnt quite match up with the pole holes but we left it out, seemed sturdy enough without it. Aside from that it is absolutely adorable, looks clean and modern in her bedroom, is sturdy and comfortable and she loves it!
Great Frame at a great price
This frame is great for the price that we got it at. The best part was that it was so easy to setup, that my wife did it all by herself when I was at work. So it only takes one person to setup!
A snap to put together
Easy for one person to assemble, instructions were clear and simple to follow, all the holes on the parts aligned properly so the bolts were easy to put in, and the best part of putting it together is the Allen wrench they give you is a nifty ratcheting one! Makes it go much faster.
Works great for an island home!
Easy to assemble easy to move. Comfortable!
Looks great, easy setup
Instructions were the best Ive used recently. Looks really good, only took a star off because it uses a sticky plastic on the slats to keep the mattress from moving, but doesnt do a great job. I have to shift the mattress back into position sometimes, but other then that has plenty of clearance for storage (about 1 foot) and looks really nice
Collapsed and became loose
It collapsed after a year or so. I was able to repair it, but now its very loose and unstable
Teen daughter loves it!
I allowed my daughter to choose a headboard for her new queen sized bed. She had a few choices and ultimately choose the bamboo. I love how sleek her room looks, good mix between teen and adult.
Good frame
This thing was easy to assemble, heavy and sturdy. It aint moving.
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