They’re beautiful - exactly the shade of blue we needed in our kitchen and identical to the picture. Easy to assemble and sturdy - feel very solid. Great purchase!
Stools came as picture. Fabric is very soft and stool is pretty comfortable. The stool is also pretty sturdy but one stool is slightly unbalanced. Wasn’t too hard to assemble. For the square you attach to the legs, don’t screw any of the screws all the way in until all of the screws are slightly screwed in.
half the holes did not line up, I still have one stool where we had to drill new holes to make it go together. Quality was pretty bad. The instruction were poor too.
This was easy to put together but some screws did seem to need to go into certain holes which was odd since they all were seemingly the same. They’re quite comfortable, soft and the color was exactly as described and pictured. They’re probably only going to last a handful of years if we use them frequently like we are. I am a bit concerned about the sturdiness of the foot rests. Overall it’s a great purchase though!
?1. Shipping was fast!
2. These chairs are such a pretty grey and extremely soft.
3. I will be updating my review after I build them tomorrow!
4. Stunning in person so far I am happy with this purchase!
Great and classy looking.. everyone loves them
They’re beautiful - exactly the shade of blue we needed in our kitchen and identical to the picture. Easy to assemble and sturdy - feel very solid. Great purchase!
Just watch the arm sleeve, but great over all
Only issue is the arm sleeves fall off easily, other than that it’s great
Nice stools
Stools came as picture. Fabric is very soft and stool is pretty comfortable. The stool is also pretty sturdy but one stool is slightly unbalanced. Wasn’t too hard to assemble. For the square you attach to the legs, don’t screw any of the screws all the way in until all of the screws are slightly screwed in.
Super comfy and sturdy with the ultimate contemporary look
Super easy to assemble, extremely sturdy and they look great! The velvet material feels luxurious btw. I want to add one more to my countertop.
dont buy this
half the holes did not line up, I still have one stool where we had to drill new holes to make it go together. Quality was pretty bad. The instruction were poor too.
Great for the price!
Awesome stools !
Easy to assemble
Handle cracked after 1 month. Hopefully they will take care of it Otherwise I really like them.
So far so good!
This was easy to put together but some screws did seem to need to go into certain holes which was odd since they all were seemingly the same. They’re quite comfortable, soft and the color was exactly as described and pictured. They’re probably only going to last a handful of years if we use them frequently like we are. I am a bit concerned about the sturdiness of the foot rests. Overall it’s a great purchase though!
?1. Shipping was fast! 2. These chairs are such a pretty grey and extremely soft. 3. I will be updating my review after I build them tomorrow! 4. Stunning in person so far I am happy with this purchase!
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