Cheap and sturdy as advertised, kinda hard to get it all together took me a few hours probably because I suck at directions but I got it all together and for the money what else do you expect
Part B (headboard) was damaged and wasnt able to insert Part A into it. I emailed the provided address, if missing a piece or a damaged piece, so Ill see what happens. Overall the material was nice and sturdy.
I purchased this bed because it was the right price and looked sturdy. It took me about one hour to assemble the bed by myself. All of the pieces were well marked and the directions were easy to follow. The bed looks just like it does on and it has a ton of support. I am excited about this addition to my bedroom.
Also, each bag of screws came with one extra piece which I thought was brilliant as I often end up losing or needing that additional piece when assembling furniture.
I purchased a queen and full size frame and I am completely satisfied. The frames are very sturdy and well constructed. As far as the looks I would not have bought them if I thought they didnt look goodI love them. They fit into my vintage home.
Really easy to assemble
This bed frame was super easy to assemble. And the boxing was really easy to get up my small staircase.
For the money great buy
Cheap and sturdy as advertised, kinda hard to get it all together took me a few hours probably because I suck at directions but I got it all together and for the money what else do you expect
Damaged piece
Part B (headboard) was damaged and wasnt able to insert Part A into it. I emailed the provided address, if missing a piece or a damaged piece, so Ill see what happens. Overall the material was nice and sturdy.
Looks Great!!
I purchased this bed because it was the right price and looked sturdy. It took me about one hour to assemble the bed by myself. All of the pieces were well marked and the directions were easy to follow. The bed looks just like it does on and it has a ton of support. I am excited about this addition to my bedroom. Also, each bag of screws came with one extra piece which I thought was brilliant as I often end up losing or needing that additional piece when assembling furniture.
Very happy with our purchase
Great product, delivered much faster than expected. Ease of purchase with this seller. Very easy to assemble and absolutely love it.
Great bed frames
I purchased a queen and full size frame and I am completely satisfied. The frames are very sturdy and well constructed. As far as the looks I would not have bought them if I thought they didnt look goodI love them. They fit into my vintage home.
Easy to assemble!!
So beautiful!! and a excellent price! My mom loves it! Very easy to assemble and no tools required!!
Great bed and great price.
Excellent purchase. No box springs needed. Very sturdy. Perfect.
Princess bed.
We got this bed for my 9 year old. She loves her bed it was so easy to install and very strong.
Would recommend!!
It was great and looks really nice.
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