Looks nice in the room but difficult to assemble. The holes in the pieces were not lined up correctly and needed to be pushed/pulled more than they should have been. It took about 4 hours to put whole thing together, very frustrating but we are happy with the final product.
Thiis was purchased for our guestroom (we have grandkids) it appears to work well as they liked it. 2 little boys on the bottom and 1 bigger boy on top.
This bed is huge lol. But its really sturdy so far. Assembly instructions werent super clear and this takes a long time to put together, but overall it was worth it.
I will say the ladder is really odd in my opinion. The ladder steps arent evenly spaced and there are very few steps at the top of the ladder, so my son has some trouble getting in and out of the top bunk. He has to stand on the side of the bed frame when he gets to the top b/c the ladder just feels incomplete. Otherwise, really good value.
It is hard to assemble it. Took me about two to three hours. Alot of work and time consuming due to the fact that the part sometimes get stuck or dont fit right. Tip, when you start assembling do NOT tight itmake sure everything part fit correctly and tie all the bolts.
Overall, my kids love it. Very sturdy and strong.
This was a good purchase and approved by our grandchildren. They love sleepovers with the grandparents more than ever!
Good bed, hard to put together
Looks nice in the room but difficult to assemble. The holes in the pieces were not lined up correctly and needed to be pushed/pulled more than they should have been. It took about 4 hours to put whole thing together, very frustrating but we are happy with the final product.
Good Bed for the Money
Thiis was purchased for our guestroom (we have grandkids) it appears to work well as they liked it. 2 little boys on the bottom and 1 bigger boy on top.
Arrived on time
The bed was for an early Christmas present for kids.
My grandsons need a bunk bed to fit in a small room..this was perfect..
very nice set for the price
read direction very easy put together just takes alot time. they are very strudy. very nice and at decent price.
Color was perfect
Its best if you have two to put it together but it is worth getting.
Weird Ladder
This bed is huge lol. But its really sturdy so far. Assembly instructions werent super clear and this takes a long time to put together, but overall it was worth it. I will say the ladder is really odd in my opinion. The ladder steps arent evenly spaced and there are very few steps at the top of the ladder, so my son has some trouble getting in and out of the top bunk. He has to stand on the side of the bed frame when he gets to the top b/c the ladder just feels incomplete. Otherwise, really good value.
It is hard to assemble it. Took me about two to three hours. Alot of work and time consuming due to the fact that the part sometimes get stuck or dont fit right. Tip, when you start assembling do NOT tight itmake sure everything part fit correctly and tie all the bolts. Overall, my kids love it. Very sturdy and strong.
Great product
It was easy to set up was a great project for the family and fits the girls great!
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