Incredible sturdy, easy to assemble and fits everything I need as you can see. I'm short (53) so the leg room is perfect for me. I can't speak for a tall person.
My ONLY complaint is that there are only two spots for the cup holder and headset holder. My chair consistently runs into the headset holder and knocks off my headset. I'm probably going to take it off. If there were built in inserts on the sides of the desk as well that would be convenient as it would give the user more options.
However, I love this desk so much, and don't think that alone is worth less of a star.
My wife got me this desk for my birthday. I did not have a desk when we moved into our current house. It could us a little bit more leg room but I am a fairly tall person. I do not like the cup/headphone holders, I feel that they get in the way when moving my chair around.
My husband is pretty tall and a gamer so he spends a good amount of time at the desk. He loves it. This desk itself does not work for a mouse like he said it should so he still uses a mouse pad. He has plenty of room for his monitor and the tower on the desk and all the figures he wanted to display on it. He did remove the headphone holder because he kept smacking his knee on it.
Amazing gaming desk
All i can say is that this desk is exactly what i was hoping it would be
Looks Great, Acceptable Price
Instructions are clear and it looks nice, but could use more leg room Overall, 9/10
Great price for a great desk!
Easy to assemble and a great value for the price.
Great table! Lots of space but doesn't take up too much space
Love that it has alot of space but doesn't take up too much space
Incredible desk.
Incredible sturdy, easy to assemble and fits everything I need as you can see. I'm short (53) so the leg room is perfect for me. I can't speak for a tall person. My ONLY complaint is that there are only two spots for the cup holder and headset holder. My chair consistently runs into the headset holder and knocks off my headset. I'm probably going to take it off. If there were built in inserts on the sides of the desk as well that would be convenient as it would give the user more options. However, I love this desk so much, and don't think that alone is worth less of a star.
Great gaming/hangout desk!
For the price, it is working great for my son who has a tendency to destroy or dismantle anything he touches .
Decent little desk
My wife got me this desk for my birthday. I did not have a desk when we moved into our current house. It could us a little bit more leg room but I am a fairly tall person. I do not like the cup/headphone holders, I feel that they get in the way when moving my chair around.
Very easy set up
Scratch easily
My husband loves this desk!
My husband is pretty tall and a gamer so he spends a good amount of time at the desk. He loves it. This desk itself does not work for a mouse like he said it should so he still uses a mouse pad. He has plenty of room for his monitor and the tower on the desk and all the figures he wanted to display on it. He did remove the headphone holder because he kept smacking his knee on it.
Kids desk
The desk is to small for an adult. Otherwise its good.
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