Purchased the trampoline during quarantine to provide a fun fitness activity for the kids. The product was surprisingly solid and easily manages the weight of an adult. 6 months later it works and looks like new. I reached out to customer service with an inquiry and they kindly responded within a few hours. Outstanding.
I love this!! I have a torn hamstring, lower back fractures, and hip issues and this allows me to exercise. My toddler Uses her little one while I use this
Easy to assemble and sturdy. Its perfect for my 3 year old grandson, who LOVES it and my daughter said its perfect for herself, for exercising and burning calories. The adjustable bar comes off, if preferred. Gives a nice, firm bounce.
Quality Product. Excellent Service.
Purchased the trampoline during quarantine to provide a fun fitness activity for the kids. The product was surprisingly solid and easily manages the weight of an adult. 6 months later it works and looks like new. I reached out to customer service with an inquiry and they kindly responded within a few hours. Outstanding.
Excellent product
Very sturdy, and durable.
So much fun while exercising
I love this!! I have a torn hamstring, lower back fractures, and hip issues and this allows me to exercise. My toddler Uses her little one while I use this
Great for the whole family
Easy to assemble and sturdy. Its perfect for my 3 year old grandson, who LOVES it and my daughter said its perfect for herself, for exercising and burning calories. The adjustable bar comes off, if preferred. Gives a nice, firm bounce.
It was a gift
It was a gift. They said they love it.
Exercise fun
I love it!! Its fun to exercise on. Takes a lot of pressure off my knee that hurts and helps with circulation!!
Great little guy for now
This was easy to assemble and use, but the one Grip floor protector already broke off and the metal Springs like to flip and cause major squeaking.
Great item!
Love it! Great customer service ?
Bought It For My Wife, But I Use It A Lot!
Works great. Not quite easy to assemble, but it does go together quite well. Grab bar is great for Seniors, like us.
Thats all you need to know Buy this item.
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