This product was fairly easy to assemble by myself! I am a 21/year/old college student and this took me about four hours total to set up by myself. I have no previous building skills so I thought the directions and set up were fairly easy to follow for for someone with no previous knowledge. The product comes with all the tools you need to set it up. The bed frame does a great job holding my full size bed but does wobble a little as I did not attach it to the wall of my rental. But nonetheless I feel that it is very safe as a 120 pound person. Some of my friends were doing pull/ups on the edge of it today and it was very sturdy and didnt wobble. Overall all good product!!
Delivered very quickly! Didnt take too long to assemble, but did assembly with one other person. Got this for my 9/year/old daughter and she absolutely loves it. Her room feels so much bigger now and she has a desk underneath. This would be great for teenagers as well.
Ordered two of them for my daughters. We had them up and assembled quickly and they love the space under it for their private space in a shared room. Just added curtains
Very happy with this purchase. It is a little wobbly but not as bad as I thought per some previous reviews. Assembly was not bad. Took about a 45 mins to an hour with myself and my husband. Highly recommend using a torque socket wrench as it made things move a lot quicker then using the little wrench that is provided.
I was skeptical because of the low price but the bed frame is great. The instructions are brief but it wasnt that hard together. I recommend using a screwdriver drill!
Assembled by myself!
This product was fairly easy to assemble by myself! I am a 21/year/old college student and this took me about four hours total to set up by myself. I have no previous building skills so I thought the directions and set up were fairly easy to follow for for someone with no previous knowledge. The product comes with all the tools you need to set it up. The bed frame does a great job holding my full size bed but does wobble a little as I did not attach it to the wall of my rental. But nonetheless I feel that it is very safe as a 120 pound person. Some of my friends were doing pull/ups on the edge of it today and it was very sturdy and didnt wobble. Overall all good product!!
Really nice
Delivered very quickly! Didnt take too long to assemble, but did assembly with one other person. Got this for my 9/year/old daughter and she absolutely loves it. Her room feels so much bigger now and she has a desk underneath. This would be great for teenagers as well.
Worth it!
Ordered two of them for my daughters. We had them up and assembled quickly and they love the space under it for their private space in a shared room. Just added curtains
Good buy. Im satisfied
Came out perfect, recommend 2 people to build but other than that I have no issues
Easy to assemble, but not sturdy
It was super easy to assemble, but over time, the bars have all warped and bent. Maybe good for occasional use, but not everyday.
Good product very durable
Perfect for my girls
Happy with purchase for 7 year old so .
Very happy with this purchase. It is a little wobbly but not as bad as I thought per some previous reviews. Assembly was not bad. Took about a 45 mins to an hour with myself and my husband. Highly recommend using a torque socket wrench as it made things move a lot quicker then using the little wrench that is provided.
Surprisingly good bed/ sturdy and doesnt squeak
I was skeptical because of the low price but the bed frame is great. The instructions are brief but it wasnt that hard together. I recommend using a screwdriver drill!
Good for the price
Needs a removable side rail
Look at the pieces really good.
It could be more sturdy .
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