I was a little nervous about purchasing this product online but am very pleased with it! It did take me awhile to put it together but it looks really nice fully assembled (just like the picture). I like that its also lightweight (but not at all flimsy!). Overall, great value for the money.
We were updating my sons room and going with a cleaner look and this bed fits perfect. It was easy for him to assemble and looks great. There was no damage to any of the parts.
The item fit our need and seemed to be reasonably priced. It was easy to put together and very sturdy. I would certainly buy it again.
Well I did buy it again. It is just very well made, goes together easy with drill and bit.
The product works but review is based off the actual product I received. My box came with water damage. Some screws were rusted even in the plastic packaging which was odd. A few rust spots on a few bars of the bed and the side posts that are supposed to keep the mattress from sliding are to short to even be useful. One of the plastic slides that holds the bars in place across the base was deformed so the bar wouldnt fit. I had to remove the plastic to get the bar in place. It doesnt fit perfectly but it fits. If it wasnt such a pain in the ass to return, I would. Those issues aside the bed frame does function.
It took me several hours to assemble by myself. Biggest problems were getting the frame straightened out so the middle bar actually fit. I think that took an hour by itself. I also stripped a couple screws doing so. Luckily it came with extra. You may ask why I gave this frame 5 stars if I had so much trouble. Well, for one, it was far less expensive than its counterparts. It is also quite sturdy. I am a bigger sized fellow and I cant so much as make it squeak.
I purchased three of these and an extremely happy. The items were packed with loving care, individually wrapped to ensure that each piece arrived in top condition. I am 70 years old and was able to assemble the bed by myself with no trouble. When assembled the bed not only looks good, but is very solid. A great value for the money, easy to assemble, and very sturdy.
First of all, this is a very sturdy bed. However, the quality of the design is not so great. As you can see in the picture, the holes for attaching the headboard are not in the same location on both sides so when its put together there is a small gap making it look uneven at the top.
I contacted the sellers customer service and was told that they would be happy to help make it right. That was 17 days ago and two follow-up emails and I have not received a response.
Its a little tricky to put together just make sure to double check all your peices before putting together . Overall its a good bed frame, I love it a lot.
Great value!
I was a little nervous about purchasing this product online but am very pleased with it! It did take me awhile to put it together but it looks really nice fully assembled (just like the picture). I like that its also lightweight (but not at all flimsy!). Overall, great value for the money.
Esy to assemble
We were updating my sons room and going with a cleaner look and this bed fits perfect. It was easy for him to assemble and looks great. There was no damage to any of the parts.
Modern design
Nice looking bed, easy to assemble, but it does take awhile. Packaged very well. Seems sturdy.
Better thank expected
The item fit our need and seemed to be reasonably priced. It was easy to put together and very sturdy. I would certainly buy it again. Well I did buy it again. It is just very well made, goes together easy with drill and bit.
Okay but
The product works but review is based off the actual product I received. My box came with water damage. Some screws were rusted even in the plastic packaging which was odd. A few rust spots on a few bars of the bed and the side posts that are supposed to keep the mattress from sliding are to short to even be useful. One of the plastic slides that holds the bars in place across the base was deformed so the bar wouldnt fit. I had to remove the plastic to get the bar in place. It doesnt fit perfectly but it fits. If it wasnt such a pain in the ass to return, I would. Those issues aside the bed frame does function.
Assembly was a... process, but it seems to be worth it.
It took me several hours to assemble by myself. Biggest problems were getting the frame straightened out so the middle bar actually fit. I think that took an hour by itself. I also stripped a couple screws doing so. Luckily it came with extra. You may ask why I gave this frame 5 stars if I had so much trouble. Well, for one, it was far less expensive than its counterparts. It is also quite sturdy. I am a bigger sized fellow and I cant so much as make it squeak.
Good value for the price.
Likes: structure, looks, comfort, price Dislikes: The tools provided did not fit the hardware. Had to purchase proper Allen wrench.
Outstanding purchase.
I purchased three of these and an extremely happy. The items were packed with loving care, individually wrapped to ensure that each piece arrived in top condition. I am 70 years old and was able to assemble the bed by myself with no trouble. When assembled the bed not only looks good, but is very solid. A great value for the money, easy to assemble, and very sturdy.
Sturdy Bed, Bad Design
First of all, this is a very sturdy bed. However, the quality of the design is not so great. As you can see in the picture, the holes for attaching the headboard are not in the same location on both sides so when its put together there is a small gap making it look uneven at the top. I contacted the sellers customer service and was told that they would be happy to help make it right. That was 17 days ago and two follow-up emails and I have not received a response.
Its hard to put together, but its worth it. Love it.
Its a little tricky to put together just make sure to double check all your peices before putting together . Overall its a good bed frame, I love it a lot.
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