I like the look (although it is a laminate finish) It is pretty sturdy. It wasnt hard to assemble
But it was difficult to attach the doors, some of the holes didnt line up perfectly and the screws they provided werent super strong and they stripped very easily. Otherwise it is a nice piece.
Its a really nice cabinet that seems very sturdy. The instruction pictures were pretty small and hard to make out and there were some screw holes that were not drilled. The cabinet suits its purpose and looks nice.
Nice and about what you would expect.
I like the look (although it is a laminate finish) It is pretty sturdy. It wasnt hard to assemble But it was difficult to attach the doors, some of the holes didnt line up perfectly and the screws they provided werent super strong and they stripped very easily. Otherwise it is a nice piece.
Good value
Easy to assemble and beautiful piece of furniture.
Nice looking
Very nice looking and functional for smaller spaces
Lots of small parts, but easy to assemble. Very sturdy
decent size
good quality and decent size
Looks perfect in the room with the matching ladder.
Perfect for a bar.
Its a really nice cabinet that seems very sturdy. The instruction pictures were pretty small and hard to make out and there were some screw holes that were not drilled. The cabinet suits its purpose and looks nice.
Great buy.
Took me an hour at most to assemble. This is super cute and a great buy for the money.
Very sturdy and well worth the money
I love this table! We are using it for storage and as a bar. Its very sturdy and a beautiful piece.
Satisfied customer!
Love this cabinet! Not hard to assemble. Very happy we chose this one.
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