Love the headboard. It was easy to assemble. Got two of them for my kids. Seems sturdy but Ill update over time. Overall, seems like a good bed and cant beat the price!
Its been a week since my son has been sleeping on this and hes pretty happy with. Only took his father an hour to set up by himself. Very sturdy/sound. He sleeps great on it. The color is nice. We have NO complaints here. Very good product.
I was a little nervous buying this because after reading like 75 reviews, a bunch were about bed bugs. So I left mine in the garage for two weeks to be sure. No bed bugs were detected.
My daughter and I put it together in about an hour. Super easy. So far it is very sturdy, is the perfect height and looks great for what I need.
I will update the review in a couple months if it loosens up like some other reviewers have mentioned.
This bed frame is AMING I was so impressed with everything from the well thought out packaging to the extremely well written instructions to the the sturdy ratcheting tool to put the bed together! Thank you for putting the extra quality touches into your products.
This bed looks great. It is high quality and extremely sturdy. We use it in a guest room used by both kids and adults and its look is appropriate for both. Final assembly is a bit tricky as it is designed for parts to fit perfectly. Key is not to tighten bolts until all parts are in place.
Great Bed!
It was easy to assemble by myself. Instructions were clear, and the bed looks beautiful and is sturdy.
Good bed for a good price
Love the headboard. It was easy to assemble. Got two of them for my kids. Seems sturdy but Ill update over time. Overall, seems like a good bed and cant beat the price!
Works well
I only slept in it for 6 days, while my husband was dying in a Hospital bed next to me. It was comfortable, and I will use it as a guest bed.
My son loves it!
Its been a week since my son has been sleeping on this and hes pretty happy with. Only took his father an hour to set up by himself. Very sturdy/sound. He sleeps great on it. The color is nice. We have NO complaints here. Very good product.
Amingly well made bed!
I am so pleased with these beds and how well they are made. Great price and awesome quality! Definitely recommend!
products are aming
Product is builder very well
Totally worth it
I was a little nervous buying this because after reading like 75 reviews, a bunch were about bed bugs. So I left mine in the garage for two weeks to be sure. No bed bugs were detected. My daughter and I put it together in about an hour. Super easy. So far it is very sturdy, is the perfect height and looks great for what I need. I will update the review in a couple months if it loosens up like some other reviewers have mentioned.
Buy their products!
This bed frame is AMING I was so impressed with everything from the well thought out packaging to the extremely well written instructions to the the sturdy ratcheting tool to put the bed together! Thank you for putting the extra quality touches into your products.
Very attractive
This bed looks great. It is high quality and extremely sturdy. We use it in a guest room used by both kids and adults and its look is appropriate for both. Final assembly is a bit tricky as it is designed for parts to fit perfectly. Key is not to tighten bolts until all parts are in place.
Looks like the pictures
Great product bought two beds for my twin boys perfect size and height.
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