Smaller than expected I reviewed the dimensions but still smaller than expected. Door hinges are cheap so they can not be adjusted, and need to be desperately.
This was the perfect size for the space I wanted to fill. It was easy to put together - took about an hour and half because the dog wanted to help. All of the pieces were labeled, hardware in separately labeled bags with an extra screw or peg, making the instructions super easy to follow. Instructions had pictures using the labeling along with text, but really the detailed pictures were easy enough to follow.
So happy I bought this little china cabinet. It looks amazing in my kitchen. Good quality for the price and was super easy to put together. 10/10 would recommend!
I mostly like this. Its sturdy and reasonably good quality, but I dislike the shiny lacquer surface. I thought it was a matte finish when I purchased. Also the doors are a huge pain in the ass to get lined up perfectly and my OCD kicked into overdrive for about an hour before I finally just gave up. Like enough to keep, but probably not a forever item.
I used this cabinet as storage in my craft room, and the glass cabinets look really great filled with yarn! The cabinet feels pretty sturdy. It has a shallow profile that sits against the wall without projecting too far out into the room.
Love it! Exactly what I expected. Not top quality, but great for the price! I suggest reading the dimensions, because this isnt as wide as a standard cupboard. Not a ton of storage, but made it work.
Once built, this cabinet looks wonderful! The only problem was with getting it put together. A couple of the pre-drilled holes were missing, and some of the hardware was off so didnt screw together as it should. I was able to put this together by myself but would have helped to have a second set of hands on a couple of the steps. The set-up process just takes a bit of patience, but the end result is worth it.
Ultimately, I am very pleased with this cute little cabinet. This is a great deal for the price.
So very pleased with this handy
So very pleased with this handy, beautiful little cabinet! Easy to assemble. Whaterya waitn for just order it!! Seriously!!!
Smaller than expected I reviewed the dimensions
Smaller than expected I reviewed the dimensions but still smaller than expected. Door hinges are cheap so they can not be adjusted, and need to be desperately.
This was the perfect size for the space I wanted to fill
This was the perfect size for the space I wanted to fill. It was easy to put together - took about an hour and half because the dog wanted to help. All of the pieces were labeled, hardware in separately labeled bags with an extra screw or peg, making the instructions super easy to follow. Instructions had pictures using the labeling along with text, but really the detailed pictures were easy enough to follow.
So happy I bought this little china cabinet
So happy I bought this little china cabinet. It looks amazing in my kitchen. Good quality for the price and was super easy to put together. 10/10 would recommend!
I mostly like this. Its sturdy and reasonably good quality
I mostly like this. Its sturdy and reasonably good quality, but I dislike the shiny lacquer surface. I thought it was a matte finish when I purchased. Also the doors are a huge pain in the ass to get lined up perfectly and my OCD kicked into overdrive for about an hour before I finally just gave up. Like enough to keep, but probably not a forever item.
My crystal will shine in this storage cabinet.
I havent put it together yet, but I cant wait to have this beautiful storage.
Also a cabinet for craft rooms!
I used this cabinet as storage in my craft room, and the glass cabinets look really great filled with yarn! The cabinet feels pretty sturdy. It has a shallow profile that sits against the wall without projecting too far out into the room.
Love it! Exactly what I expected
Love it! Exactly what I expected. Not top quality, but great for the price! I suggest reading the dimensions, because this isnt as wide as a standard cupboard. Not a ton of storage, but made it work.
Very nice!!
Very nice!!! This small kitchen cabinet looks great in my dining room. I put the parts together by myself in more or less one hour.
this cabinet looks wonderful! The only problem was with getting it put
Once built, this cabinet looks wonderful! The only problem was with getting it put together. A couple of the pre-drilled holes were missing, and some of the hardware was off so didnt screw together as it should. I was able to put this together by myself but would have helped to have a second set of hands on a couple of the steps. The set-up process just takes a bit of patience, but the end result is worth it. Ultimately, I am very pleased with this cute little cabinet. This is a great deal for the price.
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