The bed came with no instructions, but luckily I was able to find it online. The bed was easy to assemble and it is very sturdy. Not bad for the price. Its my bed and I am not A thin lady. I am enjoying it.
I love how sturdy this bed is! It was extremely easy to assemble. I assembled it all by myself. The quality of the wood is great and I can move the whole bed back and forth without feeling like Im going to break it, when I make the bed. Im so grateful for the price of it, as well! That was hard to find.
Used this in my camper instead of the bench seating. I use it as a couch and as a bed. Its perfect! And took me and 1 other person 10 minutes to put together.
Assembled bed has the aesthetic I was looking for and wasnt too difficult to assemble. Headboard has very little padding for the cost of nearly $400. I like that there are extra screws and plastic slat brackets, but the Allen key included stripped/bent very easily and I had to use one from something else to finish putting the bed together. Considering the number of screws used for assembly there should be a better quality Allen wrench or two included. Some of the screw holes for the metal cross-braces werent lined up exactly and were the only parts I had difficulty putting together. The slats that form the base of the bed are plywood, not solid wood, which concerns me about the longevity/stability over time. This is in a guest room so it wont get too much use, however I would probably look to replace them for everyday use. Bed is sturdy when fully assembled and fit a queen mattress well. Fabric has nice feel, but headboard lacks padding and feels cheap. Overall very nice bed, but lower quality than expected based on cost.
The bed was easy for my husband and I to put together—took less than 30 minutes. It is very sturdy and I love that it is tall enough for storage or an extra bed underneath. Definitely a great choice at this price point!
It came in on time. All parts accounted for. Directions werent the best but easy to put together. Two ppl preferably. Unless you have a bad back. Its pretty and seems stable. I consider it a daybed. I put some plywood over the slats because off my bed type. Easily passes as a couch. Worth the money!
The bed came with no instructions, but luckily I was able to find it online. The bed was easy to assemble and it is very sturdy. Not bad for the price. Its my bed and I am not A thin lady. I am enjoying it.
Great purchase
I love how sturdy this bed is! It was extremely easy to assemble. I assembled it all by myself. The quality of the wood is great and I can move the whole bed back and forth without feeling like Im going to break it, when I make the bed. Im so grateful for the price of it, as well! That was hard to find.
In Love!
Used this in my camper instead of the bench seating. I use it as a couch and as a bed. Its perfect! And took me and 1 other person 10 minutes to put together.
Looks great
The product was delivered two days early and was very easy to assemble. Looks great!
A bit expensive for quality
Assembled bed has the aesthetic I was looking for and wasnt too difficult to assemble. Headboard has very little padding for the cost of nearly $400. I like that there are extra screws and plastic slat brackets, but the Allen key included stripped/bent very easily and I had to use one from something else to finish putting the bed together. Considering the number of screws used for assembly there should be a better quality Allen wrench or two included. Some of the screw holes for the metal cross-braces werent lined up exactly and were the only parts I had difficulty putting together. The slats that form the base of the bed are plywood, not solid wood, which concerns me about the longevity/stability over time. This is in a guest room so it wont get too much use, however I would probably look to replace them for everyday use. Bed is sturdy when fully assembled and fit a queen mattress well. Fabric has nice feel, but headboard lacks padding and feels cheap. Overall very nice bed, but lower quality than expected based on cost.
The daybed fit the bill !
Love it
Absolutely love the bed. Its more of a pastel pink but still beautiful
Perfect day bed!
The bed was easy for my husband and I to put together—took less than 30 minutes. It is very sturdy and I love that it is tall enough for storage or an extra bed underneath. Definitely a great choice at this price point!
Great quality at a great price!
Ive been using it now for a week, it feels very solid, assembly for relatively simple and it shipped pretty fast, I would definitely recommend
It was easy to put together.
It came in on time. All parts accounted for. Directions werent the best but easy to put together. Two ppl preferably. Unless you have a bad back. Its pretty and seems stable. I consider it a daybed. I put some plywood over the slats because off my bed type. Easily passes as a couch. Worth the money!
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