My brother put it together for me and he said it was pretty easy,there are just a lot of pieces but they are ALL needed. This bed frame is very sturdy, and I love how it looks and it was a GREAT price.
We ordered two frames. They were very easy to assemble. The most time consuming part was unpacking the parts. They are each wrapped up like three times in plastic. Very sturdy.
difficult to assemble, no instructions had to download them but found inferior. parts not labeled for easy steps to assemble, guess work involved, needed hammer to make side rails come together. Took 1 hr 30 minutes to complete for 2 people
Love the sturdiness and the price!
My brother put it together for me and he said it was pretty easy,there are just a lot of pieces but they are ALL needed. This bed frame is very sturdy, and I love how it looks and it was a GREAT price.
Very sturdy and easy to assemble Excellent customer service
Very solid and sturdy.
Very happy with this purchase. The assembly was straight forward. We are very happy with the quality.
Great bed frame
Very sturdy, pretty heavy, easy to assemble. Very happy with this product.
Good product
Easy to put together and very sturdy. Very impressed for price.
Easy assembly! Great for kids.
We ordered two frames. They were very easy to assemble. The most time consuming part was unpacking the parts. They are each wrapped up like three times in plastic. Very sturdy.
Great customer service.
One of the pieces, was manufactured incorrectly. worked quickly to get a replacement piece to me.
Minimalist and Sturdy
This was easy to setup and has a minimalist look to it. It is working great.
very solid build headboard shorter than the picture
difficult to assemble, no instructions had to download them but found inferior. parts not labeled for easy steps to assemble, guess work involved, needed hammer to make side rails come together. Took 1 hr 30 minutes to complete for 2 people
Product As Expected.
Perfect size. Pretty
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